Last modified: 2015-10-14
In the report the method of modeling artificial accelerograms earthquakes for concrete sites of buildings is presented. Accelerograms are calculated by means of the stochastic method developed for a dot seismic rupture. In calculations extent of the seismic rupture and local soil conditions was considered. The basic approach at the account of extent of the rupture is representation of a plane of rupture in the centre in the form of set of the subruptures of the smaller sizes.
For each earthquake average spectra of fluctuations (accelerations and velocities). average spectra of reaction and average duration of strong movements (as duration of the fluctuations exceeding on amplitude level of 50 % of peak values) have been generated 25 synthetic accelerograms on which average values of the maximum accelerations were estimated. the maximum speeds.
Boore D.V. 2003. Simulation of Ground Motion Using the Stochastic Method. Birkha.user Verlag, Basel, Pure appl. geophys. 160, p.635–676
Beresnev I.A., Atkinson G.M., 2002, Source Parameters of Earthquakes in Eastern and Western North America Based on Finite-Fault Modeling, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 92, 2, p.695–710.
Pavlenko O.V. 2012. Simulation of ground motion from strong earthquakes of Kamchatka region (1992-1993) at rock and soil sites, Pure and Applied Geophysics, July 2012.