Applications of nonlinear dynamic systems theory in developmental psychology: Motor and cognitive development Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, And Life Sciences, Vol. 1 (1), January 1997, 55- 68 Mary Ann Metzger University of Maryland UMBC ABSTRACT Applications of nonlinear dynamical systems theory to psychology have led to recent advances in understanding neuromotor development and advances in theories of cognitive development. This article reviews published findings associated with a specific coherent and influential application from which a theory of adaptive, self-organized cognition has been derived and related to a theory of developmental dynamics of the neuromotor system. The review focuses on implications of two theories for quantifying developmental phenomena, and suggests a method for quantifying the cognitive theory. KEY WORDS: developmental psychology; nonlinear dynamical systems; motor development; cognitive development; multiprocess model. Developmental psychology addresses the nature of behavioral and psychological changes associated with growth in human and animal species. As an infant grows, new skills emerge in motor, cognitive, and social behavior. The skills are complex and the processes by which they are generated are adaptive. Thus, developmental psychology encompasses a natural subject matter for nonlinear dynamic systems (NDS) theory. NDS theory has attracted the attention of developmental psychologists, who have applied it with some notable success. Although NDS theory has had an impact on many developmental psychologists, the full variety and extent of the impact is outside the scope of this article: Developmental psychology is a large field within general psychology, accounting for about 15% of the 17541 psychology journal articles published in 1995 (PSYCINFO database). Specifically, applications of NDS to social development will not be considered here. Instead, the following treatment will be limited to the achievements associated with a specific coherent and influential application of NDS theory in the field of neuromotor development and to related systematic applications in the field of cognitive development. In developmental studies of motor skills, three features of NDS repeatedly emerge, as can be illustrated by the advanced skill of walking. First, advanced skills are stable, easily identified, patterns essentially different from their component skills, showing features of complexity: Walking is a coherent pattern different from components of leg flexion or body posture. Second, advanced skills are not fixed, rigid patterns but fluid, stable states of adaptation to environmental constraints, showing self- organization: Walking varies in the ways specific muscles are involved in an action, spontaneously adapting to the terrain. Third, over a wide variety of starting points and environments, the typical infant eventually acquires typical advanced skills, showing nonlinearity with a stable attractor: Most children, even those impeded by illness or disability, eventually develop a pattern that is recognizable as a walk. Thus motor development thus has features of NDS in component processes, complexity in stable patterns, and adaptive self-organization. The dynamical features of motor development have analogies in cognitive development. For example, speaking in sentences is essentially different from the component skills of remembering names or vocalizing; sentences are characteristically created new, fluidly adapted to constraints of the child's native language; and most children eventually acquire the skill of creating sentences in their native language. Motor development and cognitive development invite treatment by NDS theory. BACKGROUND Throughout the history of developmental psychology the dynamical features of motor and cognitive development have been central to research and theory, but general appreciation of dynamical approaches to development have previously been idiosyncratic, lacking an accessible coherent terminology and shared conceptualization of phenomena of NDS and complexity. Piaget's theory of the dynamic relation between action and thought, called sensorimotor development, were originally published in the 1930s and were influential in the United States from the 1950s. Lewin's field theory of social and cognitive development was a substantial force well appreciated in the 1940s. Systems concepts can be found in the work of Gesell, which dominated motor development since the 1940s. These, along with others systems approaches have been reviewed by Thelen and Smith (1994, pp. xx-xxii, 312-323). Contributions by the researchers of history are enjoying renewed appreciation now that a common approach of NDS has become accessible and psychologists inspired by NDS theory have made a series of advances in understanding development. Explicit acknowledgment of NDS theory is manifest in an influential line of research in motor development which has coalesced around the work of Esther Thelen, a summary of which has been provided by Thelen and Linda Smith and by Savelsbergh books of readings on recent advances (Smith & Thelen, 1993; Savelsbergh, 1993). Advances in motor development and in other lines of research independently guided by concepts of NDS, have directly influenced the field of cognitive development (Howe & Rabinowitz, 1994; Bogartz, 1994; Cooney & Constas, 1993). Thelen and Smith have also authored a second book (Thelen & Smith, 1994) in which they generalize from approaches found fruitful for motor development to analogous areas of cognitive development, in the process presenting a new theory of cognitive development. The application of NDS to developmental psychology has taken place against a background of some less obvious, but well-substantiated properties of the developing infant. For early neuromotor and cognitive development, the background of research has established a few characteristic themes. In the neuromotor system, the theme is generation and eradication. Newborn infants have changes in structures that are generated within the constraints of their environment. During the first year of life changes in the brain include both creation and elimination of cells and connections. These changes participate in accommodation to physical growth of limbs, a problem of managing limbs for which mechanical properties change each day. In processes underlying development of neural and limb structures, the activity of each affects the structure of the other (Bekoff, 1981; Cowan, Fawcett, O'Leary, & Stanfield, 1984; Nowakowski, 1987; Provine, 1993). In the cognitive system, the additional theme is sophistication. Infants are sophisticated in their perception of properties of the world. Infants weeks old can distinguish the sounds of human speech and classify certain speech sounds as the same despite variations in the production of the sound such as the sex of the speaker. Infants as young as 3-4 months distinguish cats from other mammals, excluding horses and tigers from the concept. These and other cognitive and perceptual skills of early infancy have been reviewed by Eimas (1994) and by Held (1993). A theory of development will need to encompass these characteristic themes. The perspective of NDS has so far followed different courses in the fields of motor and cognitive development. In motor development, application of quantitative NDS theory has led to discovery of a result that demonstrated the error of a strongly held prior belief. That revelation has generated interest and energy sufficient to restructure the field of motor development. The field moved from describing developmental stages to dynamical systems theory, a progress directly tied to the application of well-known physical laws and quantified aspects of motor performance. Although the achievements in motor development have stimulated investigators to study cognitive development from the perspective of NDS. Models based on complexity and NDS have provided inspiration and guidelines but have not yet demonstrated a particular utility or dislodged an important prior belief. Analogy, quantification, prior beliefs, and discovery have brought these two related fields to dissimilar states with respect to using NDS theory. For motor development, the theory is now widely accepted and systematically applied. For cognitive development, it is not yet a dominant force. APPLICATIONS IN MOTOR DEVELOPMENT Application of NDS theory to motor development followed a path paved by the work of Kelso and Turvey and their colleagues. They applied dynamical systems analysis to problems of adult perception and action. One common characteristic of their approach is the sophisticated application of physical principles of the mechanics of motion. When studying the behavior of an actor-environment complex, they typically quantify the properties of bodies in motion. Quantification is applied to features of the environment, and also, whenever useful and appropriate, to the actor or to some part of the actor-environment complex. Quantification of features of actions may be illustrated by a result by Kelso and his colleagues (Schoener & Kelso, 1988). In this study, investigators gave adult subjects instructions to flex and point both index fingers to the beat of a metronome, but with opposite phases, having one finger point while the other flexed, resulting in a simple rhythmic organization. The organization was easy to illustrate by superimposing the sinusoidal graphs of the position of each finger over time, showing a constant phase difference of 180 degrees. When the rate of the metronome was increased, the simple rhythmic organization was disrupted. Finger movements went through a period of disorganization before falling under the regime of the stable attractor in which the fingers moved in unison. The regime could be managed by variations in the order parameter of the frequency of the metronome. The ease of observation of the movements of the fingers and the simple regularity of initial and final patterns enabled the investigators to produce quantitative descriptions of the features of the systems characterizing the nature of the order parameter, transients, and attractors. Quantifying features of the environment may be illustrated by a recent finding by Michael Turvey and his colleagues (Turvey & Carello, 1995). Reasoning from a theory that perception arises in the course of meaningful action and in turn guides further action, these investigators studied the relation of perception and action arising from the process of wielding, that is, handling a tool-like object. Subjects were handed an object hidden from view by a screen. They were constrained to moving the object only by moving the wrist. From this wielding experience, they were asked to estimate the length of the object. The relevant objects in the test all had identical handles, but otherwise different shapes, lengths, and dynamical properties. Dynamics of rotation of objects in relation to torque applied can be quantified by the laws of mechanics and the properties of matter. The quantities involved in characterizing the motion of a particular object are determined by the distribution of its mass around axes in three- dimensional space. When the axes have been properly placed in space, this distribution can be uniquely given by three numbers, the moments of inertia. The moments quantify the motion of the object that can result from the application of any torque. Since the action of wielding can be reduced to the application of torque through movement of the wrist, there is a natural connection between the action of wielding and the moments of inertia of the object. Consequently, for an unseen object, judgments of length might be based on the subjects' detection of the moments. This, indeed, appeared to be the case: Judgments of length were only marginally predictable from the actual length of the object, but precisely predictable from a single quantity, which was essentially the ratio of the largest to the smallest moment of inertia. Thus, quantifying physical properties provided another in a series of examples demonstrating the close connection between action capabilities and perception. Inspired by work of Kelso and Turvey, Thelen (Thelen & Smith, 1994, p. 75) turned her attention to quantifying the dynamics of motion associated with the development of walking. An early result of her effort was to overturn a strongly held belief about the processes involved in infant motor skills. The general concept of the belief involved a process in which new centers in the developing brain, cortical centers, would inhibit primitive reflexes eventually permitting them to be replaced by similar, but voluntary, actions. The behavior pattern under study was the stepping pattern: when held upright supported around chest, the newborn infant's legs move in a coordinated stepping pattern. The stepping pattern disappears in infants soon after birth and reappears around 10 months of age, near the time of the first appearance of independent walking. The generally held belief was that the mechanism for the disappearance of the stepping pattern was cortical inhibition of the immature reflex and the later reappearance was in a more mature form. After the work of Thelen and her colleagues (Thelen and Fisher, 1982), summarized by Thelen (1989), it was clear that this belief was wrong. In her own words: We proposed that the developmental transition from stepping to no-stepping was triggered by a simple, nonneural scaling of a body composition parameter, the increase of nonmuscular or fat tissue, which made the legs comparatively heavy and weak and prevented the infant from lifting the leg upright, but only when the infant was in the biomechanically demanding upright posture ... My colleagues and I have shown that stepping in young infants can be elicited or suppressed by a number of contextual manipulations that systematically change the biomechanical demands on the legs, including postural changes, submerging in water, adding weights, and placing infants on motorized treadmills... (Thelen, 1989, p. 92) For the stepping pattern, Thelen found there was no motor program to be overridden, no reflex pattern to be suppressed or released by higher centers. There was only what Thelen and Smith termed the "resonance" of the biomechanical properties of the legs moving within the context, thereby assembling into a stable self-organized state, stepping or no- stepping according to the constraints. The prior belief cortical inhibition of stepping was demonstrably in error. Since the belief in cortical inhibition had been profoundly held, when it was overturned by Thelen's result, much interest was generated. That interest was given direction by the groundwork laid by Thelen, Kelso, and Turvey. The NDS approach, quantified through laws of physics, was suited to resolving more questions of motor development. Motor activity could be measured continuously and movement within constraints could be quantified and related to known laws of mechanical motion of springs, levers, pendulums, and pulleys. The laws of motion of these objects have well-established parameters such as those representing inertia and elasticity. These parameters could be used to guide the investigation of how important constraints of limb and context change during infancy and childhood giving opportunity for the emergence of new stable movement patterns such as are illustrated in the study of walking by Clark, Truly, and Phillips (1993). New stable patterns of behavior could be self- organized requiring no central planning mechanism. Attractive concepts, refined methods, demonstrable results, and new understanding all contributed to firmly establish the NDS approach as a major force in the modern study of motor development. One of many examples of application of dynamical systems principles to another area of motor development is study of development of the motor skill of hopping on one foot (Roberton, 1993). Roberton and her colleagues characterized the process of skilled hopping as a coordination of the support leg, the swing leg, arms, and posture. Over the period from early childhood to adolescence, various patterns of coordination appear and disappear from the action, with both smooth and abrupt changes. Roberton found that the components of action of the support leg could be quantified as a spring with force proportional to displacement. The ratio of these two quantities, a measure of the stiffness of the spring, could be measured directly from the motion of the child when analyzed by the equation of motion of a spring. The degree of stiffness governs the amount of jolt delivered to the body at each landing. Since children often have different levels of skill depending on which leg is the support leg, Roberton was able to analyze whether stiffness was determined by general features of body size and proportion. She found that skill in hopping was attributable to stiffness of the support leg and that the degree of stiffness was not due to general growth or body size factors. The parameter of stiffness is the control parameter managed by the coordinated system of skilled hopping. A second example is application of dynamical systems methods to the motor skill of reaching for an object, widely studied, but particularly well described by Savelsbergh and van der Kamp (1993, p. 296). They describe the sequence of stable patterns: ... newborns display reaching without grasping. Around 2 months of age ... there is a decline in reaching attempts, which are characterized by jerky movements with closed hands - heralding a change to more coordinated movements - open hand contacts object - occurring after 3 month. At the time infants start developing more coordinated reaching and grasping movements for stationary objects (16-20 weeks), they will also successfully reach for moving ones... Savelsbergh and van der Kamp proposed that reaching from a supine position (zero degrees) would be more constrained by gravity than would be reaching from an inclined (60 degrees) or upright (90 degrees) seated posture. When they tested infants in these positions, they found that for younger (under 20 weeks), but not for older infants, the gravitational constraint determined whether or not the infant would attempt to reach the object. In the usual course of development of visual-motor coordination, there is a change around 4 months from a visually elicited ballistic style of reaching to a visually guided reaching with mid-course corrections of trajectory. In grasping, infants show that of many possibilities for grasp configuration only a few can be considered stable attractors, and over the course of the first year infants begin to coordinate grasping style with features of the object, appropriately adjusting the orientation and size of the opening of the hand. In one sense, the finding by Savelsbergh and van der Kamp is an analogue of Thelen's finding of the role of physical constraints in stepping, but there is a difference. Unlike stepping, reaching for and grasping objects implies a capability of visual-motor coordination, since the eyes guide the hand to the object, and motive to explore objects in the environment. This introduces a link to cognitive development. Visual-motor coordination provides an example of two separate systems working simultaneously in cooperation to produce an action. The concept of simultaneous operation of two or more neural systems is the foundation of Thelen and Smith's NDS theory of cognitive development. The application of dynamical systems methods to the study of the development of visual-motor coordination is particularly instructive because reaching for an object is clearly an exploratory action and is clearly related to the perception of that object, but for researchers in the field of visual-motor development, the relationship is even closer than it might appear. Savelsbergh and van der Kamp began their study with the assumption of "the inseparability of perception and action", relying on the results of many experiments with infant animals that demonstrate that it is possible to delay or preclude the later development of specific perceptions by preventing the infant from performing specific actions. In other words, perceptions are products of action and only perceptions so acquired through action can serve as guides to future action. The "inseparability" of the two processes forms a bridge between motor systems and cognitive systems and serves as the basis for moving from the clearly quantified phenomena and explicit theories and phenomena of motor development to the analogous phenomena and theories of cognitive development. APPLICATIONS IN COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Although it is not crucial that such a theory require every aspect of development be self-organized, Thelen and Smith strive to explain all products of human cognitive development as emergent stable states self- organized in the natural movements of the physical system acting within the constraints of the context. Their theory characterizes cognition as dynamic and self-organizing. In the case of perceptual-motor development of infants, dynamic cognition theory has a foundation in numerous results, not the least of which are those detailed observations by Piaget of the cognitive content of motor behavior during early infancy, which he called the sensorimotor period. According dynamic cognition theory, the infant grows in cognitive skills through processes of exploration based on perception and action. Actions of the infant are seen to emerge self- organized in each instance from the operation of motor and neural subsystems under constraints of the context, arriving at a stable state of coordination to meet the demands o view, action is inseparably tied to perception and the perception-action complex is the embodied basis of natural categories from which, arguably, all cognitive skills may be derived. In dynamic cognition theory, when going from perception to cognition it is necessary to have a theoretical account for self-organization of the capacity to form categories in order to treat nonidentical objects as equivalent, for example, perceiving a cup as unchanged when seen from different perspectives. According to their theory the mechanism for creation of categories self- organizes from the simultaneity of a perception and its associated action. As an example using adult categorization, consider the letter a as it might appear in many handwritten variations. How is it that many physically dissimilar variants are classified as instances of the same category and many physically similar patterns, such as o, are excluded? The mechanism proposed by Thelen and Smith is that the sequential neural pattern associated with perception of the handwritten letter is coupled in a synchronous manner with the neural pattern of the action of writing, each dynamic pattern mapping onto the other. For the person viewing the handwritten letter a, by virtue of previous experience, the dynamic neural pattern of the perception is connected to and activates some aspect of the dynamic neural pattern of the action. In theory, the mapping of these perceptual-motor patterns can create expectations for variations in the appearance of the handwritten letter associated with variations in constraints and parameters of motor control, thereby identifying the object as an instance of the handwritten letter a. Thelen and Smith cite several results demonstrating aspects of simultaneous activation resulting in coordination of the senses in infancy, but so far no direct evidence that infants create categories per se through this process of expectations derived from the parameters of simultaneity of perception and action. Dynamic cognition theory finds both supporting and challenging research results. The theory is supported by a variety of findings showing cognitive skills arise after the relevant motor skills have been established. For instance, infants show sensitivity to 3-dimensional depth only at a time after having acquired control of head motion (Thelen & Smith, 1994, p. 199-200). The theory is challenged by the sophistication of the newborn infant in forming categories. Examples of such very early categorization skills are plentiful (Meltzoff & Moore, 1983; Meltzoff, 1993). In studies subsequently replicated by others, Meltzoff and his colleagues have demonstrated that in the hours immediately after birth infants spontaneously imitate adult's simple facial expressions and hand gestures. This finding seems to require a degree of cognitive skill. For example, classifying the adult human in the same category as the infant, and categorizing faces and hands into different categories. These skills might f there has been some opportunity for development of actions related to the apparently requisite cognitive skills, but they appear very early, thus presenting a challenge to a theory that holds that self-organizing features of action serve as the sole basis of cognition. Theoretically, during the process of self-organization that results in the creation of a category there forms an expectation based upon the perception- action complex (Thelen & Smith, pp. 229-233). This might seem to introduce the circularity of having a cognitive state (expectation) precede the self- organization of the necessary basis of cognition (categories), but the circularity is only apparent. The circularity is only apparent, since the theory derives the expectation from the dynamics of the neural patterns (attractors) created by the perception-action system and activated by the task. Since it is in the nature of attractors to govern what will happen next, the activity of the system in the regime of the attractor is itself the expectation. Expectation has no separate status as a cognitive entity. This type of expectation is invoked by Thelen and Smith to explain infants' demonstrable surprise when certain types of novel events are depicted (p. 225). The novel event serves as a perturbation of the ongoing processes disturbing the ongoing perception-action attractor and thereby permitting activation of competing action-perception systems. The perturbation would be reflected in behavior showing surprise, the competing systems would be in the generation of new concepts following the perturbation. One feature pervading the discussion of the relation between cognition and perception-action attractors is that the attractors of interest govern unobservable or inaccessible processes, the forms of which are not known, so that only approximate models of the attractors and their processes are available for testing the theory. Even with the impediments of unobservability and inaccessibility of the true underlying processes, the approach to cognitive development advocated by Thelen and Smith has support stemming from results in other areas of psychology and related fields. One important requirement for their theory is that a discrepancy between expectation and observation results in a perturbation of the system. It has long been known from studies of both human and animal behavior that within a given context several types of objective environmental change (discrepancies) result in creation of nonspecific energy, which is then self-organized in the sense of increasing the likelihood of occurrence of the predominant behaviors (Amsel & Roussel, 1952) or change the organization of behavior (Trabasso & Bower, 1968; Berlyne, 1966; Krechevsky, 1932). Therefore the source and nonspecificity of energy for perturbation of the system by novelty has a strong basis in previous results. Another important requirement concerns the process by which energy is generated by discrepancy process must not depend on any internal representation, icon, or judge. That such a process can exist has been demonstrated for simple artificial neural networks (Carpenter, Grossberg, & Reynolds, 1991; Lewenstein & Nowak, 1989). From just these few observations, it can be concluded that there is a substantial factual basis supporting the effort of deriving phenomena of cognitive development from perception-action systems. QUANTIFYING COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Specific applications of the theory proposed by Thelen and Smith rely on details of interplay of unobservable attractors. It might seem that the situation would be completely unsuited to quantification, but that is not the case. It is possible to describe the interplay of such approximately-known competing processes at least in the sense of judging the extent to which one process or another is a more credible source of an observed behavior. A method for such quantification has been described for approximate models of for the dynamics of attractors (Metzger, 1993, 1995) For this method, models of competing attractors can be expressed in any form, including the form of an approximate landscape of neural activation. The3 major requirement is each model for a process must have, at each instant, some way of forming an explicit expectation for what will happen next (must generate a short-term forecast). To apply the method there must also be some way of observing what does happen next. The method, called multiprocess modeling (West & Harrison, 1989, Metzger, 1995), evaluates the credibility models of the process according to their respective forecasting errors. Over a number of consecutive forecasts and observations, models that make large forecasting errors are given less credit for being credible representations of the true process, while models that make smaller errors become more credible approximations of the true process. Multiprocess modeling has crucial features corresponding to features attributed by dynamic cognition theory to perceptual and motor attractors. When the cognitive system is in the regime of a given attractor, that fact is represented in the multiprocess model by the relative credibility of a model of that attractor, compared to competing models. In dynamic cognition, attractors of the theory generate expectancies for what will happen next for a particular individual in a particular context. Similarly, each model of a multiprocess model generates a forecast for what will happen next. In dynamic cognition, when some event discrepant from the expectancy of the current attractor occurs, the unexpected event generates surprise which can lead the system toward some new organization; if surprise can be thought of as a perturbation, the error in expectation provides the energy to escape a particular attractor and perhaps fall into the regime of a different attractor. Similarly, the credibility of each model of a multiprocess model can be affected for each event according to the error of its forecast for that event: Models that forecast something closer to the actual event gain in credibility, at the expense of the credibility of alternative models. In dynamic cognition, the perception-action complex creates an evolving context, within the particularities of which cognition is newly assembled at each instant. Similarly, by keeping track of the respective credibilities of several models of an ongoing the process, each according to its consistency with details of an ongoing behavior-environment complex, a multiprocess models can carry along an evolving context, which provides an interpretation of each behavior of each individual. Importantly, models of a multiprocess model can be consistently and informatively applied to approximate models, determining their respective credibilities with respect to the true process, even though each of which contains processes that are believed to correspond only partially and inexactly to true processes. The strongest points of dynamic cognition theory remain close to the quantified region, namely development during the sensorimotor p As an enrichment of the field, the theory offers guidance that might alter practices of research into cognitive development. For example, Thelen and Smith (p. 341) point out that the NDS approach provides a perspective from which researchers can abandon old dualisms such as "structure vs. function, nature vs. nurture, brain vs. behavior, perception vs. cognition, mind vs. body, competence vs. performance, learning vs. development". They urge researchers to abandon the common approach of minimizing variability in order to study differences among groups, asking them to study, in detail, variability within an individual, with particular attention of the role of variability in the emergence of new organization. The strongest points of dynamic cognition theory remain close to the quantified region, namely development during the sensorimotor period. As an enrichment of the field, the theory offers guidance that might alter practices of research into cognitive development. For example, Thelen and Smith (1994, p.341) point out that the NDS approach provides a perspective from which researchers can abandon old dualisms such as "structure vs. function, nature vs. nurture, brain vs. behavior, perception vs. cognition, mind vs. body, competence vs. performance, learning vs. development." They urge researchers to abandon the common approach of minimizing variability in order to study differences among groups, asking them to study, in detail, variability within an individual, with particular attention to the role of variability in the emergence of new organization. SUMMARY The achievements of developmental psychology within the field of motor development have been strengthened by quantitative analyses derived from physical laws, giving strong guidance to researchers. Without these quantitative strengths, the companion theory of dynamic cognition relies on analogy. The fundamental ideas of the theory of dynamic cognition are well grounded in a variety of previous results of psychological research. Although it gives less guidance for quantification, it suggests there are many possible paths for future research. As it stands now, it remains primarily a system inspiring new ides, questioning old biases, and generating new interpretations, but not yet producing an upheaval in the filed of cognitive development. The achievements of the filed of developmental psychology itself can be seen as emerging from the coordination of separately developing systems, energized by the surprise of Thelen's result, given form, support, and structure by the common language of complexity, and settling into a new coordinated structure. Having arisen in a place fittingly far from the center of the arena of developmental psychology, the reorganization that began in the field of motor development has had repercussions that are still taking shape in the filed of cognitive development. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported in part by NSF grant BNS-9020357 and Fulbright Research Fellowship 1994-95. REFERENCES Amsel, A. & Roussel, J. (1952) Motivational properties of frustration. 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