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Sociobiology and incest avoidance: a critical look at a critical review

Moore, Jim (1992) Sociobiology and incest avoidance: a critical look at a critical review. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Eprint summary: This short article points out a number of problems with treatment of data & theory in an earlier article by Gregory C. Leavitt in which he mis-cites mainly old papers on inbreeding in nonhumans to support his contention that the human incest taboo does not have a biological component/substrate.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:incest, inbreeding, sociobiology, universals, Leavitt, incest avoidance
Subjects:Biology > Ethology
Biology > Primatology
Biology > Sociobiology
Psychology > Evolutionary Psychology
ID Code:177
Deposited By: Moore, Jim
Deposited On:06 Sep 1998
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:53


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