
The three gorillas: an archetype orders a dynamic system

McDowell, Maxson J. (2001) The three gorillas: an archetype orders a dynamic system. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

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The personality is a dynamic system. Like all other dynamic systems, it must be self-organized. In this paper I focus upon the archetype-as-such, that is, upon the essential core around which both an archetypal image and a complex are organized. I argue that an archetype-as-such is a pre-existing principle of organization. Within the personality that principle manifests itself as a psychological vortex (a complex) into which we are drawn. The vortex is impersonal. We mediate it through myths and rituals or through consciousness. In this paper I show that Jung’s intuition about the archetype-as-such is supported by recent science. I evaluate other concepts of the archetype. My concept allows each archetype-as-such to be defined precisely in mathematical terms. It also addresses our spiritual experience of an archetype.The human genome has only about 32,000 genes. How does human complexity arise from so few genes? Part of the answer must lie in the archetypes. Because of its familiarity with the archetypes, analytical psychology has a contribution to make here. Because the archetypes-as-such are fundamental to the personality, the better we understand them the better we understand our patients. The paper is grounded with clinical examples.

Item Type:Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Keywords:complex dynamic system, self organization, emergent, cognitive science, a priori, heterochrony, Jungian analysis, personification, archetype, image, evolutionary psychology, dream analysis, mythology, ritual, spiritual, human genome, organizational principle.
Subjects:Psychology > Clinical Psychology
ID Code:1836
Deposited By: McDowell, Doctor Maxson J.
Deposited On:22 Oct 2001
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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