
The Contribution of Psychiatry to the Study of Creativity: Implications for AI research.

Preti, Antonio and Miotto, Paola (1997) The Contribution of Psychiatry to the Study of Creativity: Implications for AI research. [Conference Paper]

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An old saw has it that very little divides a genius from a madman, and if one is to judge from the recorded eccentricities of those society has chosen to label as geniuses, one can readily see why. A good theory of the creative mind then, or indeed, any aspect of mind, will not only explain the mechanics of what one would consider 'healthy cognition', but also the apparent breakdown of these mechanics. This paper considers the rich contribution the field of psychiatry can make to the study of human creativity, and focuses on some particular aspects of psychoanalytic theory that are amenable to algorithmic expression.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:creativity, psychiatry, mental disorder, mental ilnness, schizophrenia, depression, manic-depression, bipolar disorder, madness, suicide, artificial intelligence, evolution
Subjects:Psychology > Clinical Psychology
ID Code:2026
Deposited By: Preti, Antonio
Deposited On:11 Jan 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

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