
Classification of Random Boolean Networks

Gershenson, Carlos (2002) Classification of Random Boolean Networks. [Conference Paper] (In Press)

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We provide the first classification of different types of Random Boolean Networks (RBNs). We study the differences of RBNs depending on the degree of synchronicity and determinism of their updating scheme. For doing so, we first define three new types of RBNs. We note some similarities and differences between different types of RBNs with the aid of a public software laboratory we developed. Particularly, we find that the point attractors are independent of the updating scheme, and that RBNs are more different depending on their determinism or non-determinism rather than depending on their synchronicity or asynchronicity. We also show a way of mapping non-synchronous deterministic RBNs into synchronous RBNs. Our results are important for justifying the use of specific types of RBNs for modelling natural phenomena.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:Random Boolean Networks, Cellular Automata, Discrete Dynamical Systems
Subjects:Computer Science > Dynamical Systems
ID Code:2319
Deposited By: Gershenson, Carlos
Deposited On:15 Jul 2002
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:54

References in Article

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