
Experimentation in Psychology--Rationale, Concepts and Issues

Chow, Siu L. (2002) Experimentation in Psychology--Rationale, Concepts and Issues. (In Press)

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An experiment is made up of two or more data-collection conditons that are identical in all aspects, but one. It owes its design to an inductive principle and its hypothesis to deductive logic. It is the most suited for corroborating explanatory theries , ascertaining functional relationship, or assessing the substantive effectiveness of a manipulation. Also discussed are (a) the three meanings of 'control,' (b) the issue of ecological validity, (c) the distinction between theory-corroboration and agricultural-model experiments, and (d) the distinction among the hypotheses at four levels of abstraction that are implicit in an experiment.

Item Type:Other
Keywords:Conditional syllogism, control, criterion of falsification, experiment, falsification, generality, Hypothesis, induction, Modus Ponens, Modus Tollens, social psychology of the psychological experiment, theoretical prescription, validity, variable, verification
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Philosophy > Philosophy of Science
ID Code:2781
Deposited By: Chow, Dr. Siu L.
Deposited On:21 Feb 2003
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

References in Article

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