
The Impact of an Evidence-Based Medicine Workshop on Residents’ Attitudes towards and Self-Reported Ability in Evidence-Based Practice

Baum M.D., Karyn D. (2003) The Impact of an Evidence-Based Medicine Workshop on Residents’ Attitudes towards and Self-Reported Ability in Evidence-Based Practice. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

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Background: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a part of many medical school and residency curricula worldwide, but there is little research into the most effective methods to teach these skills. Purpose: To evaluate whether a course on EBM utilizing adult learning principals leads to both immediate and short-term attitudinal, confidence, and behavioral change. Methods: Seventy-three (73) Internal Medicine and Internal Medicine/Pediatric residents attended a half-day seminar on EBM. Participants completed pre- and post-course 5-point Likert questionnaires, and set two personal goals for integrating EBM into their daily practice. We performed nonparametric two-sample Wilcoxon Rank-Sum tests to compare responses. We also elicited the self-reported success of the residents in meeting their goals one-month post-course. Results: Attitudes about EBM improved (3.5 pre-course vs. 3.7 post-course), as well as self-reported EBM skills (3.0 vs. 3.3). Seventy-two percent of residents reported having met at least one of their two goals for the integration of EBM into their practice. Conclusions: An EBM workshop based upon adult learning principles was successful in meeting multiple educational goals. The links between andragogy, learners’ internal drive for behavior change, and successful EBM education should be further explored.

Item Type:Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Keywords: medical education; health professional education; peer-reviewed; Evaluation; Evidence-based medicine
Subjects:JOURNALS > Medical Education Online > MEO Peer Reviewed
ID Code:2838
Deposited By: David, Solomon
Deposited On:19 Mar 2003
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

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