
Working memory and writing: Model evolution and research assessment

Chanquoy, Lucile and Alamargot, Denis (2002) Working memory and writing: Model evolution and research assessment. [Journal (Paginated)]

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This critical review aims at surrounding the relationships between writing and working memory. The first part of the review proposes a definition of writing through the presentation of Hayes and Flower’s classical model (1980) and the different writing processes. Then, in order to show the progressive integration of the notion of working memory in writing research, recent models, elaborated by Hayes (1996) and Kellogg (1996) are described. A series of studies, testing the relevance of Kellogg’s model is discussed. The critical analysis of these experimental data leads to question about the role of Baddeley’s working memory model (1986) to account for (a) the dynamics of processing during writing and (b) the evolution of writing expertise. The second part of this review tempts to exceed these two limits in discussing the interest of theoretical ideas about working memory different from Baddeley’s model. On the one hand, some activation models (Anderson, 1983; Cowan, 1993), to account for the dynamics of processing, are presented, illustrated by different experimental works and analysed in the framework of text production. On the other hand, the adaptation made by McCutchen (1996) of Just and Carpenter’s (1992) Capacity Theory and the adoption by Kellogg (1999) and McCutchen (2000) of Ericsson and Kintsch’s (1995) theory about Long-Term Working Memory are discussed as potential theoretical tracks to explain the development (in children) or the strengthening (in adults) of writing expertise. Finally, the conclusion, whose main objective is to sum up the different ways to conceive relationships between writing and working memory, focuses on the increasing importance of long term memory, considered then as a resource register, storing the different pieces of knowledge implied in writing processing.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Writing, working memory, processing dynamics, writing expertise, long-term working memory
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:3425
Deposited By: Alamargot, Denis
Deposited On:09 Feb 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

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