
Quantum, consciousness and panpsychism: a solution to the hard problem

Gao, Mr Shan (2004) Quantum, consciousness and panpsychism: a solution to the hard problem. [Preprint]

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We analyze the results and implications of the combination of quantum and consciousness in terms of the recent QSC analysis. The quantum effect of consciousness is first explored. We show that the consciousness of the observer can help to distinguish the nonorthogonal states under some condition, while the usual physical measuring device without consciousness can’t. The result indicates that the causal efficacies of consciousness do exist when considering the basic quantum process. Based on this conclusion, we demonstrate that consciousness is not reducible or emergent, but a new fundamental property of matter. This provides a quantum basis for panpsychism. Furthermore, we argue that the conscious process is one kind of quantum computation process based on the analysis of consciousness time and combination problem. It is shown that a unified theory of matter and consciousness should include two parts: one is the complete quantum evolution of matter state, which includes the definite nonlinear evolution element introduced by consciousness, and the other is the psychophysical principle or corresponding principle between conscious content and matter state. Lastly, some experimental suggestions are presented to confirm the theoretical analysis of the paper.

Item Type:Preprint
Keywords:quantum process, consciousness, distinguish the nonorthogonal states, causal efficacies of consciousness, fundamental property of matter, panpsychism, quantum computation, definite nonlinear evolution, psychophysical principle, a unified theory of matter and consciousness
Subjects:Neuroscience > Computational Neuroscience
Psychology > Psychophysics
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:3489
Deposited By: Gao, Shan
Deposited On:16 Mar 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

References in Article

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Chalmers, D. (1996), The Conscious Mind (Oxford: University of Oxford Press)

Seager, W. (1999), Theories of Consciousness (London: Routledge)

Seager, W. (2001), Panpsychism, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

McGinn, C. (1999), The Mysterious Flame: Conscious Minds in a Material World (New York: Basic Books)

Gao Shan. (2004), 'Quantum collapse, consciousness and superluminal communication', Found. Phys. Lett, 17(2), pp.167-182.


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