
Does the use of the dynamic system approach really help fill in the gap between human and non human primate language ? Commentary to S. Shanker and B. J. King " the Emergence of a New Paradigm in Ape Language Research"

Vauclair, Pr J (2002) Does the use of the dynamic system approach really help fill in the gap between human and non human primate language ? Commentary to S. Shanker and B. J. King " the Emergence of a New Paradigm in Ape Language Research". [Journal (Paginated)]

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The highly recommended transposition of the dynamic system approach for tackling the question of apes’ linguistic abilities has clearly not led to a demonstration that these primates have acquired language. Fundamental differences related to functional modalities – namely, use of the declarative and the form of engagement between mother and infant –can be observed in the way humans and apes use their communicatory systems.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:animal communication, language, speech, comparative approach, apes
Subjects:Psychology > Comparative Psychology
ID Code:3588
Deposited By: Vauclair, Pr Jacques
Deposited On:06 May 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55


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