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Cognitive modeling of social behaviors

Clancey, William J. and Sierhuis, Maarten and Damer, Bruce and Brodsky, Boris (2004) Cognitive modeling of social behaviors. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

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To understand both individual cognition and collective activity, perhaps the greatest opportunity today is to integrate the cognitive modeling approach (which stresses how beliefs are formed and drive behavior) with social studies (which stress how relationships and informal practices drive behavior). The crucial insight is that norms are conceptualized in the individual mind as ways of carrying out activities. This requires for the psychologist a shift from only modeling goals and tasks —why people do what they do—to modeling behavioral patterns—what people do—as they are engaged in purposeful activities. Instead of a model that exclusively deduces actions from goals, behaviors are also, if not primarily, driven by broader patterns of chronological and located activities (akin to scripts). To illustrate these ideas, this article presents an extract from a Brahms simulation of the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS), in which a crew of six people are living and working for a week, physically simulating a Mars surface mission. The example focuses on the simulation of a planning meeting, showing how physiological constraints (e.g., hunger, fatigue), facilities (e.g., the habitat’s layout) and group decision making interact. Methods are described for constructing such a model of practice, from video and first-hand observation, and how this modeling approach changes how one relates goals, knowledge, and cognitive architecture. The resulting simulation model is a powerful complement to task analysis and knowledge-based simulations of reasoning, with many practical applications for work system design, operations management, and training.

Item Type:Book Chapter
Keywords:social simulation, multi-agent simulation, work practice
Subjects:Psychology > Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Social Psychology > Social simulation
ID Code:3966
Deposited By: Clancey, Bill
Deposited On:29 Nov 2004
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55

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