
Pacing for the Suppression of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in an 87-year-old Patient

Levine, Paul A. and Wachsner, Robin and El-Bialy, Adel (2003) Pacing for the Suppression of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation in an 87-year-old Patient. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Background: Sinus node dysfunction, atrioventricular (AV) block and atrial fibrillation (AF) are associated with advanced age. Required therapy commonly includes pacemaker implantation. Methods: We report the course of therapy for an 87-year-old with symptomatic sinus node dysfunction and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation who was intolerant of drug therapy. Results: The patient received a pacemaker for treatment of sick sinus syndrome. She continued to have symptomatic episodes of AF and was intolerant of pharmacologic therapy despite adequate rate support provided by the pacemaker. The AF suppression algorithm in the pacemaker was enabled, resulting in the elimination all AF episodes effectively eliminating the need for antiarrhythmic medication. If this continues to stabilize her atrium, withdrawal of anticoagulation therapy is anticipated. Conclusions: The clinical presentation of sinus node dysfunction and related conduction abnormalities is common in the elderly. Pharmacologic management is often a challenge in the presence of the advanced age and concomitant disease processes. In individuals who have paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or are likely to develop this and who need a pacemaker for standard indications, the availability of an AF Suppression™ algorithm may facilitate their management without needed to use medications or being able to utilize lower doses of those medications.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Atrial Fibrillation; Pacing
Subjects:JOURNALS > Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal
ID Code:4289
Deposited By: Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology, Journal
Deposited On:02 May 2005
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

References in Article

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