
# Listing_1.pl

=head1 NOTES

This script is the basic simulator with graphical output.  This is just a toy implementation
designed to run a single simulation to give the user a feel for what is going on.  For multiple runs
of the simulation, Listing_2.pl is the most appropriate, as it generates tab-delimited text output
that can be opened in a spreadsheet, such as Excel.

As with all the scripts, Perl must be installed.
For this script alone, (but none of the others) the Tk library must also be in the lib.
On Linux (or similar) you'll need to get Tk from CPAN (www.cpan.org) and install it yourself.
On Windows, the best option is to get a recent version of ActivePerl (www.activestate.com), which
is free, and has all the Tk libraries ready to go.

The usage is:

perl -w Listing_1.pl

Defaults will give the maximum cultural isolation, as in the paper.
What you'll see is a 3-panelled screen with the population in each cell in the top,
the frequencies of gene 1 perl cell in the middle
and the frequencies of meme A per cell in the lower panel.

To see a rather different effect, try:

perl -w Listing_1.pl -contag 0.49 -nn_contag 0.6 -cultsel Y -natsel Y

Those parameters should cause fairly rapid spread of meme A to fixation

If you want the simulation to run for longer try:

perl -w Listing_1.pl   -time 200

Other things can be changed by rewriting the script, like:

$popsize : the initial population size (default 200)
$rep_rate : the reproduction rate (default 1%)
$capacity : the max. population capacity per cell (default quasi-infinite)
$pause : the refresh rate of the graphical display (default 1 ie. every cycle)

This script appears to run reasonably quickly, eg

As with all Perl scripts, they are offered as is, without any warranties concerning
safety, functionality etc

The author welcomes any comments on any aspects of the software.
to: dgatherer2002@yahoo.co.uk
This is an occasionally on-going project and newer versions of code are frequently
available, so if you want the really rough cuts, please ask.


use strict;			# the Holy Trinity of Perl pragmas/modules
use POSIX;
use Tk;

srand();				      # initialise randomiser


my $popsize = 200; 		# initial pop
my $time = 100;		# over gens
my $line = my $cols = 10;	# in a 10 by 10 landscape
my $rep_rate = 0.01;	# pop grows per generation
my $contag_rate = 0.14;	# population contage to neighbour per gen
my $nn_contag_rate = 0.73;	 # chance of contag to other culture
my $mig_rate = 0.5;		# pop move every gen
my $capacity = 100000000;	# max pop per cell
my @pop;		# map of pop density
my @trait_state;
my @gene_state;
my $pause = 1;		# when to stop and draw the map
my $cult_sel = "N";	# no cultural selection
my $nat_sel = "N";	                   # no natural selection (of trait)

		die "\nUsage: perl -w Listing1.pl -num -time -size -cultsel -natsel -contag -migrate -nn_contag\n";

my %args = @ARGV;

if(exists($args{-num}))		{$popsize = $args{-num};	print "\npopsize\t$popsize";}
if(exists($args{-time}))	{$time = $args{-time};		print "\ntime\t$time";}
if(exists($args{-cultsel}))	{$cult_sel = $args{-cultsel};	print "\ncult. sel.\t$cult_sel";}
if(exists($args{-natsel}))	{$nat_sel = $args{-natsel};	print "\nnat. sel.\t$nat_sel";}
if(exists($args{-contag}))	{$contag_rate = $args{-contag};	print "\ncontag.\t$contag_rate";}
if(exists($args{-nn_contag}))	{$nn_contag_rate = $args{-nn_contag};	print "\nnn_contag.\t$nn_contag_rate";}
if(exists($args{-migrate}))	{$mig_rate = $args{-migrate};	print "\nmigrate\t$mig_rate";}

foreach($popsize, $time)
		die "\npopulation size, time must all positive integers\n";
foreach($cult_sel, $nat_sel)
		die "\nCultSel and NatSel must be just Y or N\n";
foreach($contag_rate, $nn_contag_rate, $mig_rate)
	unless($_ =~ /[\d\.-]/ && ($_ <= 1) && ($_ >= 0))
		die "\ncontagion rates and migration rate must be between 0 and 1\n";


my $top = MainWindow->new();
$top->title ("inter:$nn_contag_rate intra:$contag_rate mig:$mig_rate");

my $title = $top->Label(text => "gen.", anchor => "c", relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 1) -> pack();
my $pop_title = $top->Label(text => "population", anchor => "c", relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 1) -> pack();
my $pop_top = $top->Label(relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 11) -> pack();  	
my $gene_title = $top->Label(text => "vertical", anchor => "c", relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 1) -> pack();
my $gene_top = $top->Label(relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 11) -> pack();  
my $trait_title = $top->Label(text => "horizontal", anchor => "c", relief => "raised", width  =>  50, height => 1) -> pack();
my $trait_top = $top->Label(relief => "raised", width => 50, height => 11) -> pack();  	

my @pop_buts; # AoAs of buttons, and co-ords
my @gene_buts;
my @trait_buts;
my @xpos;
my @ypos;

for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++)
	for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++)
		$pop[$x][$y] = 0;
		$trait_state[$x][$y] = sprintf("%.2f", 0);
		$gene_state[$x][$y] = sprintf("%.2f", 0);
		$xpos[$x][$y] = ($x%$line) * 1/$line;
		$ypos[$x][$y] = ($y%$cols) * 1/$cols;
		$pop_buts[$x][$y] = $pop_top->Button(-text => $pop[$x][$y], -anchor => 'c', -relief => "flat", -background => "yellow") -> pack();
		$pop_buts[$x][$y]->place(-relx => $xpos[$x][$y], -rely => $ypos[$x][$y], -relwidth  => 1/$cols, -relheight => 1/$line);
		$gene_buts[$x][$y] = $gene_top->Button(-text => $gene_state[$x][$y], -anchor => 'c', -relief => "flat", -background => "yellow") -> pack(); 
		$gene_buts[$x][$y]->place(-relx => $xpos[$x][$y], -rely => $ypos[$x][$y], -relwidth  => 1/$cols, -relheight => 1/$line);
		$trait_buts[$x][$y] = $trait_top->Button(-text => $trait_state[$x][$y], -anchor => 'c', -relief => "flat", -background => "yellow") -> pack(); 
		$trait_buts[$x][$y]->place(-relx => $xpos[$x][$y], -rely => $ypos[$x][$y], -relwidth  => 1/$cols, -relheight => 1/$line);

#------MAIN CODE SEQUENCE---------------------------------------------#

my $pop = &evenly_initialise();
&pop_state($pop);				# look at it

for(my $gen=1;$gen<=$time;$gen++)	# for a certain number of cycles
	$title->configure(text => "gen. $gen");
	$pop_title->configure(text => "population $popsize");
	$pop = &reproduce($pop);	# replicate and pass traits by contagion
	$pop = &migrate($pop);		# move strings over grid
	if($gen%$pause ==0) 		# can speed by having $pause > 1
	}						# look at it


sub pop_state()						# prints current pop
	my $input = $_[0];

	my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS};

	my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} };

	my @gene_state;		# arrays for calculating the
	my @trait_state;	# horizontal and vertical dispersal

	for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++)
		for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++)
			my $freq_A = my $freq_1 = 0;
			my $cell_count = 0;	# how many per cell
				my $xcoord = $_ -> { LOCATION }[0];
				my $ycoord = $_ -> { LOCATION }[1];
				if($xcoord == $x && $ycoord == $y)
					if($_ -> { TRAIT } eq "A")
					if($_ -> { SERIAL_NUM } == 1)
			$pop[$x][$y] = $cell_count;
			if($freq_A == 0 && $freq_1 == 0 && $pop[$x][$y] == 0)
				$trait_state[$x][$y] = 0;
				$gene_state[$x][$y] = 0;
				$freq_A /= $pop[$x][$y];
				$freq_1 /= $pop[$x][$y];
				$pop_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-text => $pop[$x][$y]);
				$trait_state[$x][$y] = sprintf("%.2f", $freq_A);
				$trait_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-text => $trait_state[$x][$y]);
				if($trait_state[$x][$y] > 0 && $trait_state[$x][$y] < 0.5)
					$trait_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "green");
				elsif($trait_state[$x][$y] >= 0.5)
					$trait_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "red");
				else{ $trait_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "yellow"); }
				$gene_state[$x][$y] = sprintf("%.2f", $freq_1);
				$gene_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-text => $gene_state[$x][$y]);
				if($gene_state[$x][$y] > 0 && $gene_state[$x][$y] < 0.5)
					$gene_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "green");
				elsif($gene_state[$x][$y] >= 0.5)
					$gene_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "red");
				else{ $gene_buts[$x][$y]->configure(-background => "yellow"); }		
#	&disp_calc(\@gene_state, \@trait_state);	# try this if you want - write your own output code inside the sub (see below)

sub reproduce()
	my $input = $_[0];
	my $contag_events = my $repro_events = 0;	# how many per cycles
	for(my $b=0;$b<=$popsize-1;$b++)	# run through pop
		my $rand = rand();
		if($nat_sel =~ /Y/i && @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} eq "A")
			$rand /= 2;	# double the random number
		if($rand < $rep_rate)			# also duplicate every 10th one
			my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0];
			my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1];
			if($pop[$xcoord][$ycoord] < $capacity)
				my @new_one_seq;

				my $new_seq = 
					LOCATION	=> [ $xcoord, $ycoord ],		
					SERIAL_NUM	=> @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{SERIAL_NUM},				
					TRAIT 		=> @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT},	
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$popsize++] = $new_seq;
		$rand = rand();
		if($cult_sel =~ /Y/i && @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} eq "A")
			$rand *= 2;	# halve the random number
		if($rand < $contag_rate)	# and contage every 10th one
			my $chosen_one = floor($rand*$popsize);
			while(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]
				- @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) > 1 
				 || abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]
				   - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) > 1)
      			{										# replace with random other string
				my $chos_rand = rand();
				$chosen_one = floor($chos_rand*$popsize);						
			if($rand < $nn_contag_rate)
				if(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]
				- @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) <= 1 
				 && abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]
				   - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) <= 1)

					@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{TRAIT};
					my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0];	# direct access, better ??
					my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1];	# yes, same method for string access
					my $trait = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { TRAIT };
					next;			# only one contag per indiv per gen
				while(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]
				- @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) > 0 
				 || abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]
				   - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) > 0)
      				{										# replace with random other string
					my $chos_rand = rand();
					$chosen_one = floor($chos_rand*$popsize);						
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{TRAIT};
				my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0];	# direct access, better ??
				my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1];	# yes, same method for string access
				my $trait = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { TRAIT };
	return $input;

sub migrate()				# rather similar to reproduce
	my $input = $_[0];
	my $migrats = 0;		# how many
	for(my $b=0;$b<=$popsize-1;$b++)
		my $rand = rand();
		if($rand < $mig_rate)
      		{				# choose
			$rand = rand();				# random direction
			my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0];
			my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1];
			if($rand <= 0.125 && $xcoord >0 && $ycoord >0)				# go up and left
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; 
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--; 
			elsif($rand <= 0.25 && $xcoord >0)						# go straight up
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; 
			elsif($rand <= 0.375 && $xcoord >0 && $ycoord <$cols-1)			# go up and right      	
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; 
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++;
			elsif($rand <= 0.5 && $ycoord <$cols-1)						# go straight right	
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++;
			elsif($rand <= 0.625 && $xcoord <$line-1 && $ycoord <$cols-1)		# go down and right
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++; 
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++;
			elsif($rand <= 0.75 && $xcoord <$line-1)					# go straight down
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++;
			elsif($rand <= 0.825 && $xcoord < $line-1 && $ycoord > 0)		# go down and left
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++; 
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--;
			elsif($ycoord >0)									# go straight left
				@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--;
	return $input;


sub evenly_initialise()				# initialise population
	my @seq_array;				# initialise array for seqs
	my $indiv_fitness = 0;			# fitness of string, only used when seln. operating
	my $av_fitness = 0;			# for whole pop, only used when seln. operating
	my $st_dev = 0;				# ditto

	for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++)
		for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++)
			if($popsize < ($line*$cols)) { die "popsize too small" };
			for(my $z=0;$z<=($popsize/($line*$cols))-1;$z++)	# run through pop		
				my @one_seq;			# re-initialise each string

				my $rand = rand();		# decide on horiz trait state
				my $horiz_trait;
				my $initial_id;		

				if ($rand < 0.25)
					$horiz_trait = "A";
				elsif ($rand < 0.5)
					$horiz_trait = "B";
				elsif ($rand < 0.75)
					$horiz_trait = "C";
					$horiz_trait = "O";
				$rand = rand();		# decide on vertical trait state
				if ($rand < 0.25)
					$initial_id = 1;
				elsif ($rand < 0.5)
					$initial_id = 2;
				elsif ($rand < 0.75)
					$initial_id = 3;
					$initial_id = 4;
				my $new_seq =
					LOCATION	=> [ $x, $y ],		# all are initially in square 0,0
					SERIAL_NUM	=> $initial_id,		# for lineage mapping
					TRAIT 		=> $horiz_trait,	# will pass by contagion
				push @seq_array, $new_seq;


	my $new_pop = 
		POPULATION => [ @seq_array ],

	return $new_pop;

sub disp_calc()	# calculates dispersals, (optional - commented out above, try adding some output code of your own)
	my($gene_state, $trait_state) = @_;
	my $total_genes = my $total_traits = my $nbrd_genes = my $nbrd_traits =0;
	my @genes = @$gene_state;
	my @traits = @$trait_state;
	for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++)
		for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++)
			if($genes[$x][$y] >= 0.5)
				unless($x == 0 || $y == 0 || $x == $line-1 || $y == $cols-1)
					if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					    || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					      || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						|| $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						  || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						    ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						      || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5
						        || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					if($x == 0 && $y == 0) # top left 
						if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						          || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == 0 && $y == $cols-1) # top right
						if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						          || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == 0) # bottom left
						if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						          || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == $cols-1) # bottom right
						if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						          || $genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == 0) # top row 
						if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						     || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						         || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($y == 0) # left column
						if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					             || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						       || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						    	  || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1) # bottom row
						if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						     || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						         || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($y == $cols-1) # right column
						if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					             || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						         || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
			if($traits[$x][$y] >= 0.5)
				unless($x == 0 || $y == 0 || $x == $line-1 || $y == $cols-1)
					if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					    || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					      || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						|| $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						  || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						    ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						      || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5
						        || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					if($x == 0 && $y == 0) # top left 
						if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						          || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == 0 && $y == $cols-1) # top right
						if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						          || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == 0) # bottom left
						if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						          || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == $cols-1) # bottom right
						if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					              || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						          || $traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == 0) # top row 
						if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						     || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						         || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($y == 0) # left column
						if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					             || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						       || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5
						    	  || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($x == $line-1) # bottom row
						if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5
						     || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						         || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5)
					elsif($y == $cols-1) # right column
						if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5
					           || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5
					             || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5
						       ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 
						         || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5)
	my $g_dispersal;
	($total_genes > 0) ? ($g_dispersal = 1-($nbrd_genes/$total_genes)) : ($g_dispersal = 1);
	my $t_dispersal;
	($total_traits > 0) ? ($t_dispersal = 1-($nbrd_traits/$total_traits)) : ($t_dispersal = 1);     # try writing some output code here

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© Copyright Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, [2002]