
Universal Dynamic Complexity as the Basis for Theoretic Ecology and Unified Civilisation Transition to Creative Global Sustainability

Kirilyuk, Andrei (2001) Universal Dynamic Complexity as the Basis for Theoretic Ecology and Unified Civilisation Transition to Creative Global Sustainability. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

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The recently proposed new, universally applicable, rigorously derived and reality-based concept of dynamic complexity provides a unified basis for the causally complete understanding of any real, multi-component and multi-level system of interacting entities, including the case of earth system and global civilisation development. This crucial extension with respect to other existing notions of complexity is obtained due the unrestricted, universally nonperturbative analysis of arbitrary interaction process leading to the new, rigorously derived concept of dynamically multivalued (redundant) entanglement of interacting components. Any real system with interaction is described as a sequence of autonomously emerging "levels of complexity", where each level includes unceasing, dynamically random change of multiple system configurations, or "realisations", each of them resulting from dynamic entanglement of interaction components coming, generally, from lower complexity levels. Dynamic complexity as such is universally defined as a growing function of the number of those explicitly obtained system realisations (or related rate of their change). Mathematically rigorous, realistic and universal nature of unreduced dynamic complexity determines its unique role as a basis for theoretical ecology. This conclusion is confirmed by several directions of universal complexity application to global change understanding and monitoring. They include the rigorously substantiated necessity of civilisation transition to the superior level of complexity involving new, intrinsically unified and causally complete kind of knowledge (initiated by the "universal science of complexity"), qualitatively new kind of material production, social structure, and infrastructure. We show why that new level of civilisation development is intrinsically "sustainable", i. e. characterised by creative, complexity-increasing interaction between "production" and "natural resources" that replaces current contradiction between them.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Additional Information:9 pages, 1 fig, 10 eqs, 5 refs; Report presented at the Global Change Open Science Conference (Amsterdam, 10-13 July 2001), see (No. P.8.0.026).
Keywords:dynamic multivaluedness; causal randomness, chaos; self-organisation; dynamic information; dynamic entropy; symmetry of complexity; universal hierarchy of complexity; Unitary System; Harmonical System; complexity-increasing production; sustainability transition; Revolution of Complexity
Subjects:Biology > Ecology
ID Code:4857
Deposited By: Kirilyuk, Andrei
Deposited On:29 Apr 2006
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

References in Article

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[1] A.P. Kirilyuk, Universal Concept of Complexity by the Dynamic Redundance Paradigm: Causal Randomness, Complete Wave Mechanics, and the Ultimate Unification of Knowledge (Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1997), in English, 550 p.

A non-technical review is accessible at

[2] A.P. Kirilyuk, “The Unreduced Dynamic Complexity, Causally Complete Ecology, and Realistic Transition to the Superior Level of Life”, Report presented at the conference “Nature, Society and History” (Vienna, 30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1999), see

[3] H. Bergson. L'Évolution Créatrice (Félix Alcan, Paris, 1907).

English translation: Creative Evolution (Macmillan, London, 1911).

[4] J. Horgan, “From Complexity to Perplexity”, Scientific American, June 1995, 74.

[5] J. Horgan, The End of Science. Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age (Addison-Wesley, Helix, 1996).


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