
Endogenous, and Exogenous Boundaries of Mindamic, Their Interfaces and Coping with Action Space

Laasonen, Ed.D. Raimo J (1990) Endogenous, and Exogenous Boundaries of Mindamic, Their Interfaces and Coping with Action Space. (Unpublished)

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The research is sequel to ransacking for mindamicscape. The objective of the research was to organize the cumulated knowledge with modeling and to attempt to ‘guess’ the train of a mindamic. The data composed of videotaped behavior. Structured observation was applied to the data. The number of subjects was 63; 22 were women and 41 men. Reliability and validity of observation were assessed. The reliability coefficient was 0.96 and the validity coefficient was 0.80. The proper analysis consisted of the stochastic chain analysis. The results indicated the hypothesis falsified. What was obtained, was a pattern. In the submindamices the persons increase the inert behavior and decrease the tracking behavior and decrease their coping behavior, first. Second, the persons decrease their inert behavior and convert inertia into the tracking behavior and delete the coping behavior. Third, the persons decrease the inert behavior and increase the tracking behavior, and increase their coping behavior somewhat. The coping behavior with the action space remains incomplete, in the majority of the persons.

Item Type:Other
Keywords:action space,inert behavior, coping behavior, mindamic
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:5401
Deposited By: Laasonen, Ed.D Raimo J
Deposited On:19 Feb 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

References in Article

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