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Secondary stress in Brazilian Portuguese: the interplay between production and perception studies

Arantes, Pablo and Barbosa, Plinio A. (2006) Secondary stress in Brazilian Portuguese: the interplay between production and perception studies. [Conference Paper]

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This paper reports experiments on speech production showing that secondary stress in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) can be best described as phrase-initial prominence cued by greater duration and pitch accent excursion in initial position. It also reports a perception experiment in which clicks were associated to consecutive V-to-V positions in stress groups. Mean click detection RTs are gradient, but show no influence of initial lengthening. RTs near the phrasally stressed position are shorter and almost 60% of RT variance can be accounted for by produced timing patterns.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:speech rhythm, secondary stress, Brazilian Portuguese
Subjects:Linguistics > Phonology
ID Code:5405
Deposited By: Arantes, Pablo
Deposited On:24 Feb 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

References in Article

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