
How many dimensions are needed to describe temperament in animals: A factor reanalysis of two data sets

Budaev, Dr. Sergey (1998) How many dimensions are needed to describe temperament in animals: A factor reanalysis of two data sets. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Factor analysis has commonly been used to infer the dimensions of animal temperament. However, the results were often complicated by large number of broad and situation-specific factors caused by low psychometric adequacy of the correlation matrices, undermining the assumptions of factor analysis. In this study I reanalyzed the data sets obtained by Royce, Poley & Yeudall (1973) and Gervai & Csányi (1985) including, however, only the variables with high correlations (multiple R2>0.3) and psychometric adequacies (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure>0.5). This yielded more stable and simpler factor solutions than in the original studies. Specifically, even though the present reanalysis cannot rule out the existence of other temperament factors, it indicates that two general dimensions, Activity-Exploration and Fear-Avoidance, are present in such diverse species as mice and the paradise fish.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:individual differences, animal personality, animal temperament
Subjects:Psychology > Comparative Psychology
Biology > Animal Behavior
ID Code:5478
Deposited By: Budaev, Dr. Sergey
Deposited On:04 Apr 2007
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

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