
Trichomonas vaginalis infection in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive Nigerian women: The public health significance

Uneke, Chigozie Jesse and Alo, Moses Nnaemeka and Ogbu, Ogbonnaya and Ugwuoru, Duhu Clifford (2007) Trichomonas vaginalis infection in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive Nigerian women: The public health significance. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

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Evidence from the biology and epidemiology of Trichomonas vaginalis suggests that this protozoan parasite may play an important role in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission dynamics, especially where heterosexual behaviour and a high prevalence of HIV obtain. The prevalence of T. vaginalis was evaluated among HIV-seropositive Nigerian women, in an anonymous, unlinked, cross-sectional survey. Of the total of 250 HIV-seropositive women studied using the wet mount preparations from high vaginal swab (HVS) and urine specimens, the presence of T. vaginalis was demonstrated in 61(24.4%) of the HVS specimens and 57(22.8%) of the urine specimens. The highest prevalence of T. vaginalis infection (32.6%) was recorded among individuals in the 26-30 years age category and the lowest (18.8%) among the age categories 20-25 years and above 40 years. Since the coinfection of T. vaginalis and HIV has public health implications for HIV prevention as it confirms the practice of unprotected sex, educational efforts must be aimed at sexually active persons and high risk groups and are best focused upon the use of barrier precautions, particularly condom use.

Item Type:Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Keywords:Trichomonas vaginalis, HIV, Women, Prevalence
Subjects:JOURNALS > Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
ID Code:5846
Deposited By: Kakkilaya Bevinje, Dr. Srinivas
Deposited On:28 Nov 2007 03:14
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

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