
Prime diagnosticity in short-term repetition priming: Is primed evidence discounted, even when it reliably indicates the correct answer?

Weidemann, Christoph T. and Huber, David E. and Shiffrin, Richard M. (2008) Prime diagnosticity in short-term repetition priming: Is primed evidence discounted, even when it reliably indicates the correct answer? [Journal (Paginated)]

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The authors conducted 4 repetition priming experiments that manipulated prime duration and prime diagnosticity in a visual forced-choice perceptual identification task. The strength and direction of prime diagnosticity produced marked effects on identification accuracy, but those effects were resistant to subsequent changes of diagnosticity. Participants learned to associate different diagnosticities with primes of different durations but not with primes presented in different colors. Regardless of prime diagnosticity, preference for a primed alternative covaried negatively with prime duration, suggesting that even for diagnostic primes, evidence discounting remains an important factor. A computational model, with the assumption that adaptation to the statistics of the experiment modulates the level of evidence discounting, accounted for these results.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:5956
Deposited By: Weidemann, Christoph T.
Deposited On:10 Mar 2008 14:54
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57


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