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Amniotic Fluid Ingestion Enhances Opioid-Mediated But Not Nonopioid-Mediated Analgesia

Kristal, Dr. Mark B. and Tarapacki, J. A. and Barton, Debra (1990) Amniotic Fluid Ingestion Enhances Opioid-Mediated But Not Nonopioid-Mediated Analgesia. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Ingestion of amniotic fluid or placenta by rats has been shown to enhance several types of opioid-mediated analgesia: that induced by morphine, footshock, vaginal/cervical stimulation, and late pregnancy. This enhancement has also been blocked by administration of opioid antagonists. The present study was designed to examine further the specificity of the enhancement effect for opioid-mediated analgesia by testing for enhancement following administration of aspirin, a nonopioid analgesic. The formalin test was used as the pain threshold assay. Amniotic fluid or beef bouillon was administered by orogastric tube to rats that were treated either with morphine sulfate or saline. or pretreated with naltrexone, then treated with aspirin or vehicle. Both morphine and aspirin treatments produced analgesia. Amniotic fluid significantly enhanced the analgesia produced by morphine, but did not enhance the analgesia produced by aspirin, further suggesting that the enhancing effect of amniotic fluid ingestion is specific for opioid-mediated analgesia, such as that existing at the start of parturition.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Amniotic fluid, Opioids, Analgesia, Aspirin, Rats, Morphine, Pain, Parturition, POEF, Formalin test, Placentophagia
Subjects:Psychology > Psychobiology
Psychology > Physiological Psychology
Neuroscience > Behavioral Neuroscience
Neuroscience > Neurochemistry
ID Code:6249
Deposited By: Kristal, Mark B.
Deposited On:02 Nov 2008 10:00
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57


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