
The phenomenon of biological evolution: 19th century misconception

Balciunas, Mr Dalius (2009) The phenomenon of biological evolution: 19th century misconception. [Preprint]

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Scientists still think that biological evolution is driven by the process named natural selection. Perhaps this 19th century notion was indeed a revolutionary idea at the time when it has been introduced. However, now it seems that natural selection hypothesis most probably is wrong. It does not explain, above all, why biological organization arise in the course of evolution. I show, on a rather abstract level of consideration, that exists another explanation why this intriguing phenomenon - life evolution - take place. Here it is argued that biological organization is solely a product of self-replication.

Item Type:Preprint
Keywords:self-replication, competition, logistic equation, natural selection
Subjects:Biology > Theoretical Biology
Biology > Population Biology
Biology > Evolution
ID Code:6605
Deposited By: Balciunas, Dalius
Deposited On:07 Sep 2009 10:17
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

References in Article

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