
Complex problem solving: a case for complex cognition?

Funke, Joachim (2010) Complex problem solving: a case for complex cognition? [Journal (Paginated)]

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Complex problem solving (CPS) emerged in the last 30 years in Europe as a new part of the psychology of thinking and problem solving. This paper introduces into the field and provides a personal view. Also, related concepts like macrocognition or operative intelligence will be explained in this context. Two examples for the assessment of CPS, Tailorshop and MicroDYN, are presented to illustrate the concept by means of their measurement devices. Also, the relation of complex cognition and emotion in the CPS context is discussed. The question if CPS requires complex cognition is answered with a tentative ‘‘yes.’’

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Complex problem solving, Operative intelligence, Macrocognition, Emotion, Complex cognition
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
ID Code:6868
Deposited By: Funke, Dr. Joachim
Deposited On:01 Jul 2010 01:14
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

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