
Uniqueness of episodic experience

Havel, Ivan M. (2009) Uniqueness of episodic experience. [Conference Paper]

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In the paper a question is explored whether human person possess something that may be called “a sense of uniqueness” (uniqueness in numerical sense). Uniqueness may be primarily related to individual experience of an episodic situation in an actual context. Only from such an experience one could derive an objective (or intersubjective) notion of uniqueness of concrete things and events. The sense of uniqueness is connected to the sense of spatiotemporal presence, sense of Self, and sense of sameness of episodes really lived through and their recollections. A question is posed of the nature of such connections.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Additional Information:Editor of the Proceedings is not specified
Keywords:experience, uniqueness, first-person perspective, episodic situation, episodic memory
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:6941
Deposited By: Havel, Prof. Ivan M.
Deposited On:13 Sep 2010 03:58
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

References in Article

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