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A neuroeconomic theory of rational addiction and nonlinear time-perception.

Takahashi, Ph.D Taiki (2011) A neuroeconomic theory of rational addiction and nonlinear time-perception. [Preprint]

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Neuroeconomic conditions for “rational addiction” (Becker and Murphy, 1988) have been unknown. This paper derived the conditions for “rational addiction” by utilizing a nonlinear time-perception theory of “hyperbolic” discounting, which is mathematically equivalent to the q-exponential intertemporal choice model based on Tsallis' statistics. It is shown that (i) Arrow-Pratt measure for temporal cognition corresponds to the degree of irrationality (i.e., Prelec’s “decreasing impatience” parameter of temporal discounting) and (ii) rationality in addicts is controlled by a nondimensionalization parameter of the logarithmic time-perception function. Furthermore, the present theory illustrates the possibility that addictive drugs increase impulsivity via dopaminergic neuroadaptation without increasing irrationality. Future directions in the application of the model to studies in neuroeconomics are discussed.

Item Type:Preprint
Keywords:Neuroeconomics; Econophysics; Addiction; Dopamine; Rationality; Tsallis' statistics
Subjects:Psychology > Behavioral Analysis
Neuroscience > Behavioral Neuroscience
Biology > Behavioral Biology
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Computer Science > Statistical Models
Neuroscience > Neuropharmacology
Psychology > Psychobiology
Psychology > Psychophysics
Psychology > Psychophysiology
ID Code:7747
Deposited By: Takahashi, Ph.D Taiki
Deposited On:16 Dec 2011 00:08
Last Modified:16 Dec 2011 00:08

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