creators_name: Cernat, Vasile type: preprint datestamp: 2000-11-05 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:54:25 metadata_visibility: show title: A Coherence Optimization Model of Suicide subjects: clin-psy subjects: cog-psy subjects: soc-psy full_text_status: public keywords: suicidal thoughts, suicide rates, coherence optimization, constraint satisfaction, neural network abstract: This article describes a model that approaches both individual and social dimensions of suicide. At the individual level, the model construes suicidal thoughts as optimization of coherence between relevant cognitive unit sets (i.e. collections of interrelated cognitive units that focus on a particular external or internal object). It assumes that suicidal thoughts are mostly affected by the manner individuals construe their egos, their economic, relational, professional, and health situations, as well as life, death, and suicide. 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