creators_name: Allen, Jont editors_name: Jahn, Anthony F. editors_name: Santos-Sacchi, Joseph type: bookchapter datestamp: 2001-05-25 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:54:38 metadata_visibility: show title: Nonlinear cochlear signal processing ispublished: pub subjects: bio-phys subjects: bio-theory subjects: psy-phys full_text_status: public keywords: cochlear modeling, DPOAE, Inner ear, masking, cochlear nonlinearity, neural tuning curves,outer hair cells, hearing loss abstract: This chapter describes the mechanical function of the cochlea, or inner ear, the organ that converts signals from acoustical to neural. Many cochlear hearing disorders are still not well understood. If systematic progress is to be made in improved diagnostics and treatment of these disorders, a clear understanding of basic principles is essential. Models of the cochlea are useful because they succinctly describe auditory perception principles. Several topics will be reviewed. First, the history of cochlear models, including extensions that have taken place in recent years. These models include both macromechanics and micromechanics of the tectorial membrane and hair cells. This leads to comparisons of the basilar membrane, hair cell, and neural frequency tuning. The role of nonlinear mechanics and dynamic range are covered to help the student understand the importance of modern wideband dynamic range compression hearing aids. Hearing loss, loudness recruitment, as well as other important topics of modern hearing health care, are briefly discussed. date: 2001 date_type: published publication: Physiology of the Ear, Second Edition publisher: Singular Thompson pagerange: 393-442 refereed: FALSE referencetext: \bibitem{Pickles82} J.~O. Pickles. \newblock {\em An introduction to the physiology of hearing}. \newblock Academic Press Inc., London, England, 1982. \bibitem{Dallos96a} P.~Dallos. \newblock Cochlear neurobiology. \newblock In P.~Dallos, A.N. 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