creators_name: Bertin, R.J.V. creators_name: van de Grind, W.A. type: journalp datestamp: 2002-03-07 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:54:54 metadata_visibility: show title: Phototaxic foraging of the archaepaddler, a hypothetical deep-sea species ispublished: pub subjects: bio-theory subjects: neuro-mod full_text_status: public keywords: hypothetical animal, 2 light experiment, phototaxic foraging, visuomotor behaviour, foraging performance, animats. abstract: An autonomous agent (animat, hypothetical animal), called the (archae) paddler, is simulated in sufficient detail to regard its simulated aquatic locomotion (paddling) as physically possible. The paddler is supposed to be a model of an animal that might exist, although it is perfectly possible to view it as a model of a robot that might be built. The agent is assumed to navigate in a simulated deep-sea environment, where it hunts autoluminescent prey. It uses a biologically inspired phototaxic foraging-strategy, while paddling in a layer just above the bottom. The advantage of this living space is that the navigation problem is essentially two-dimensional. Moreover, the deep-sea environment is physically simple (and hence easier to simulate): no significant currents, constant temperature, completely dark. A foraging performance metric is developed that circumvents the necessity to solve the travelling salesman problem. A parametric simulation study then quantifies the influence of habitat factors, such as the density of prey, and the body-geometry (e.g. placement, direction and directional selectivity of the eyes) on foraging success. Adequate performance proves to require a specific body-% geometry adapted to the habitat characteristics. In general performance degrades smoothly for modest changes of the geometric and habitat parameters, indicating that we work in a stable region of 'design space'. The parameters have to strike a compromise between on the one hand the ability to 'fixate' an attractive target, and on the other hand to 'see' as many targets at the same time as possible. One important conclusion is that simple reflex-based navigation can be surprisingly efficient. In the second place, performance in a global task (foraging) depends strongly on local parameters like visual direction-tuning, position of the eyes and paddles, etc. Behaviour and habitat 'mould' the body, and the body-geometry strongly influences performance. The resulting platform enables further testing of foraging strategies, or vision and locomotion theories stemming either from biology or from robotics. date: 1998 date_type: published publication: Artificial Life volume: 4 pagerange: 157-181 refereed: TRUE referencetext: [1] Beer R.D. (1990) Intelligence as Adaptive Behaviour - An Experiment in Computational Neuroethology. Boston, Academic Press 1990 [2] Beer R.D. and Gallagher J.C. 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