"2530","Developmental Robots - A New Paradigm","It has been proved to be extremely challenging for humans to program a robot to such a sufficient degree that it acts properly in a typical unknown human environment. This is especially true for a humanoid robot due to the very large number of redundant degrees of freedom and a large number of sensors that are required for a humanoid to work safely and effectively in the human environment. How can we address this fundamental problem? Motivated by human mental development from infancy to adulthood, we present a theory, an architecture, and some experimental results showing how to enable a robot to develop its mind automatically, through online, real time interactions with its environment. Humans mentally “raise” the robot through “robot sitting” and “robot schools” instead of task-specific robot programming.","http://cogprints.org/2530/","Weng, Juyang and Zhang, Yilu","Prince, Christopher G. and Demiris, Yiannis and Marom, Yuval and Kozima, Hideki and Balkenius, Christian"," Weng, Juyang and Zhang, Yilu (2002) Developmental Robots - A New Paradigm. [Conference Paper] ","","2002"