"275","Evolution, Teleology, Intentionality","No response that was not as long and intricate as the two commentaries combined could do justice to their details, so what follows will satisfy nobody, myself included. I will concentrate on one issue discussed by both commentators: the relationship between evolution and teleological (or intentional) explanation. My response, in its brevity, may have just one virtue: it will confirm some of the hunches (or should I say suspicions) that these and other writers have entertained about my views. For more closely argued defenses of my points, see Dennett 1990a,b,c; 1991a,b.","http://cogprints.org/275/","Dennett, Daniel","UNSPECIFIED"," Dennett, Daniel (1993) Evolution, Teleology, Intentionality. [Journal (Paginated)] ","","1993"