creators_name: Berkes, Pietro creators_name: Wiskott, Laurenz type: preprint datestamp: 2003-03-04 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:55:13 metadata_visibility: show title: Slow feature analysis yields a rich repertoire of complex cell properties subjects: comp-neuro-sci subjects: comp-sci-mach-vis full_text_status: public keywords: complex cells, slow feature analysis, temporal slowness, model, spatio-temporal, receptive fields abstract: In this study, we investigate temporal slowness as a learning principle for receptive fields using slow feature analysis, a new algorithm to determine functions that extract slowly varying signals from the input data. We find that the learned functions trained on image sequences develop many properties found also experimentally in complex cells of primary visual cortex, such as direction selectivity, non-orthogonal inhibition, end-inhibition and side-inhibition. 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