"2959","Auotmatic detection, consistent mapping, and training","Results from two experiments showed that a flat display﷓size function was found under the consistent mapping (CM) condition despite the facts that there was no extensive CM training and that the stimulus﷓response (S﷓R) consistency was only an intrasession manipulation. A confounding factor might be responsible for the fact that the consistent and the varied S﷓R mapping conditions gave rise to different display﷓size functions in Schneider and Shiffrin's (1977) study. Their claim that automatic detection and controlled search are qualitatively different is also discussed.","http://cogprints.org/2959/","Chow, Dr Siu L.","UNSPECIFIED"," Chow, Dr Siu L. (1986) Auotmatic detection, consistent mapping, and training. [Journal (Paginated)] ","","1986"