%A Stevan Harnad %O Les d?fis de la publication sur le Web: Hyperlectures, cybertextes et m?ta-editions. Colloque organis? dans le cadre des " Quinzi?mes entretiens " du Centre Jacques-Cartier, 9-11 d?cembre 2002, Lyon - ENSSIB http://www.interdisciplines.org/defispublicationweb %J Interdisciplines %T Back to the Oral Tradition Through Skywriting at the Speed of Thought %X There is every reason to believe that our talking heads and their interacting minds will be incomparably more fecund once those slow iterative cycles by which our knowledge had been created and accumulated in the Gutenberg era are restored to the speed of stone-age thought by skywriting in the PostGutenberg Galaxy. It's all a matter of timing. And reaping its rewards is just a matter of time. %D 2003 %L cogprints3021