"3246","Working Memory in Writing: Empirical Evidence From the Dual-Task Technique","The dual-task paradigm recently played a major role in understanding the role of working memory in writing. By reviewing recent findings in this field of research, this article highlights how the use of the dual-task technique allowed studying processing and short-term storage functions of working memory involved in writing. With respect to processing functions of working memory (namely, attentional and executive functions), studies investigated resources allocation, step-by-step management and parallel coordination of the writing processes. With respect to short-term storage in working memory, experiments mainly attempted to test Kellogg's (1996) proposals on the relationship between the writing processes and the slave systems of working memory. It is concluded that the dual-task technique revealed fruitful in understanding the relationship between writing and working memory.","http://cogprints.org/3246/","Olive, Thierry","UNSPECIFIED"," Olive, Thierry (2003) Working Memory in Writing: Empirical Evidence From the Dual-Task Technique. [Preprint] ","","2003-10"