creators_name: Arlati, Ezio creators_name: Bottelli, Valeria creators_name: Fogh, Christian creators_name: Tirassa, Maurizio type: confpaper datestamp: 2004-04-07 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:55:31 metadata_visibility: show title: Modelling process knowledge in architectural design: A case-based approach ispublished: pub subjects: cog-psy subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public abstract: The paper presents on-going research aimed at the understanding and support of process knowledge in architectural design, from early and not sufficiently defined, to satisfactorily-defined phases. Today, technical, planning, management and environmental issues have created a scenario of such complexity that traditionally efficient control tools (e.g. technical manuals) are inadequate and there is a demand for new, integrated instruments to handle the decision process underlying architectural design. We assume design as a recursive and incrementally specified intentional planning activity, involving goals, constraints and their relationships. The essence of architectural design is thus encapsulated in the continual recursive transformation of the initial model, in order to map the desired state onto the enacted one. On the basis of this concept of design we describe the model of an environment aimed at progressively representing the enlarging space of acquired knowledge, and at supporting the designer's central role in the management of complexity. date: 1995 date_type: published pagerange: 3-10 refereed: TRUE referencetext: Arlati, E. (1992) L'informazione tecnica: supporto indispensabile alla qualità del progetto. La "qualità globale" negli interventi di manutenzione. Milano: Ediarch. Bottelli, V., Drago, P., Fogh, C. (1994) Can preconditions of architectural projects be considered as cases? Development of a case-based tool. In: Advances in knowledge-based building design systems, ed. J. Pohl. Windsor School of Computer Science. Bottelli, V., Fogh, C. (1995) Galathea: a case-based knowledge navigator for the support of the architectural design process. Proceedings of InterSymp '95 (Baden Baden, August 1995). Cohen, P.R., Levesque, H.J. (1990) Intention is choice with commitment. Artificial Intelligence 42: 213-261. Colajanni, B., De Grassi, M., Di Manzo, M., Naticchia, B. (1991) Can planning be a research paradigm in architectural design? Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design, Edinburgh. De Grassi, M., Di Manzo, M. et al. (1992) ASA - Achitectural Symbolic Assistant, CNR Research Project, Ancona. Flemming, U. (1994) Case-based design in SEED system. In: Knowledge-based computer aided architectural design, eds. G. Carrara & Y.E. Kalay. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Maldonado, T. (1992) Reale e Virtuale, Feltrinelli, Milano. Pohl, J. (1994) A distributed cooperative model for architectural design. In: Knowledge-based computer aided architectural design, eds. G. Carrara & Y.E. Kalay. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pollock, J.L. (1992) New foundations for practical reasoning Minds and Machines 2: 113-144. Pollock, J.L. (1993) The phylogeny of rationality. Cognitive Science 17: 563-588. Smithers, T., et al. (1990) Design is intelligent behaviour, but what's the formalism? AI-EDAM 4(2), 89-98. Weld, D.S. (1994) An introduction to least commitment planning. AI Magazine Winter 1994: 27-61. Winograd, T., Flores, F. (1986) Understanding computers and cognition. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. citation: Arlati, Ezio and Bottelli, Valeria and Fogh, Christian and Tirassa, Maurizio (1995) Modelling process knowledge in architectural design: A case-based approach. [Conference Paper] document_url: