@misc{cogprints374, volume = {63}, title = {Can colour be reduced to anything?}, author = {Don Dedrick}, year = {1996}, pages = {134--142}, journal = {Philosophy of Science Association 96 Supplementary Issue, Part I}, keywords = {colour, reduction, Hardin, Matthen, chromatic subjectivism, chromatic objectivism.}, url = {http://cogprints.org/374/}, abstract = {C. L. Hardin has argued that the colour opponency of the vision system leads to chromatic subjectivism: chromatic sensory states reduce to neurophysiological states. Much of the force of Hardin's argument derives from a critique of chromatic objectivism. On this view chromatic sensory states are held to reduce to an external property. While I agree with Hardin's critique of objectivism it is far from clear that the problems which beset objectivism do not apply to the subjectivist position as well. I develop a critique of subjectivism that parallels Hardin's anti-objectivist argument.} }