"3782","ACCESSING REFERENTIAL INFORMATION DURING TEXT COMPOSITION : WHEN AND WHY ?","When composing a text, writers have to continually shift between content planning and content translating. This continuous shifting gives the writing activity its cyclic nature. The first section of this paper will analyse the writing process as a hierarchical cyclic activity. A methodological paradigm will be proposed for the investigation of the writing process. In the second section, we will partially present two experiments that were conducted independently, with this paradigm. Both give a coherent and interesting picture of what happens with content while the writer is planning. The characteristics of cycles depend both on the nature of the content information being recovered and on the complexity of the processes applied to this content.","http://cogprints.org/3782/","Dansac, Christophe and Alamargot, Denis","Torrance, Mark and Galbraith, David"," Dansac, Christophe and Alamargot, Denis (1999) ACCESSING REFERENTIAL INFORMATION DURING TEXT COMPOSITION : WHEN AND WHY ? [Book Chapter] ","","1999"