creators_name: Kirilyuk, Andrei type: preprint datestamp: 2004-10-06 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:55:42 metadata_visibility: show title: Emerging Consciousness as a Result of Complex-Dynamical Interaction Process ispublished: unpub subjects: comp-sci-mach-dynam-sys subjects: comp-sci-complex-theory subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public keywords: Machine consciousness, dynamic complexity, chaos, fractal, emerging intelligence note: 32 pages, 42 eqs, 54 refs; Report presented at the EXYSTENCE workshop Machine Consciousness: Complexity Aspects (Turin, 29 September - 1 October 2003), abstract: A quite general interaction process within a multi-component system is analysed by the extended effective potential method, liberated from usual limitations of perturbation theory or integrable model. The obtained causally complete solution of the many-body problem reveals the phenomenon of dynamic multivaluedness, or redundance, of emerging, incompatible system realisations and dynamic entanglement of system components within each realisation. The ensuing concept of dynamic complexity (and related intrinsic chaoticity) is absolutely universal and can be applied to the problem of consciousness that emerges now as a high enough, properly specified level of unreduced complexity of a suitable interaction process. This complexity level can be identified with the appearance of bound, permanently localised states in the multivalued brain dynamics from strongly chaotic states of unconscious intelligence, by analogy with classical behaviour emergence from quantum states at much lower levels of world dynamics. We show that the main properties of this dynamically emerging consciousness (and intelligence, at the preceding complexity level) correspond to empirically derived properties of natural versions and obtain causally substantiated conclusions about their artificial realisation, including the fundamentally justified paradigm of genuine machine consciousness. This rigorously defined machine consciousness is different from both natural consciousness and any mechanistic, dynamically single-valued imitation of the latter. We use then the same, truly universal concept of complexity to derive equally rigorous conclusions about mental and social implications of the machine consciousness paradigm, demonstrating its indispensable role in the next stage of civilisation development. date: 2004-09 date_type: published refereed: FALSE referencetext: [1] J. Horgan, The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation (Touchstone, New York, 2000). [2] S. 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