@misc{cogprints388, editor = {Thomas K. Metzinger}, title = {Subjekt und Selbstmodell. Die Perspektivit{\"a}t ph{\"a}nomenalen Bewu{\ss}tseins vor dem Hintergrund einer naturalistischen Theorie mentaler Repr{\"a}sentation}, author = {Thomas K. Metzinger}, publisher = {mentis, Paderborn, Germany www.mentis.de}, year = {1999}, pages = {7--324}, journal = {Subjekt und Selbstmodell}, keywords = {consciousness self-consciousness first-person perspective qualia mental models mental representation metarepresentation}, url = {http://cogprints.org/388/}, abstract = {This book contains a representationalist theory of self-consciousness and of the phenomenal first-person perspective. It draws on empirical data from the cognitive and neurosciences.} }