"4002","Toward a Bio-Cognitive Philosophy of Language","It is argued that the theoretical and conceptual tangle in which linguistics finds itself at the turn of the century, is rooted in the methodological inadequacies of traditional (Cartesian) philosophy. A holistic approach, sustained by the accumulated empirical evidence and supported by the new epistemology of autopoiesis, is proposed, whereby language is viewed as adaptive functional activity based on an organism’s experience of the environment to which the organism stands in a relation of mutual causality.","http://cogprints.org/4002/","Kravchenko, Prof. A.V.","Nøklestad, Dr. Kristine and Gutmann, Dr. Peter"," Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. (2002) Toward a Bio-Cognitive Philosophy of Language. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)] ","","2002-03"