--- abstract: "A general direction in which cognitive linguistics is heading at the turn of the century is outlined and a revised understanding of cognitive linguistics as a methodological paradigm is suggest. The goal of cognitive linguistics is defined as understanding what language is and what language does to ensure the predominance of homo sapiens as a biological species. This makes cognitive linguistics a biologically oriented empirical science.\n" altloc: [] chapter: ~ commentary: ~ commref: ~ confdates: ~ conference: ~ confloc: ~ contact_email: ~ creators_id: [] creators_name: - family: Kravchenko given: A.V. honourific: Prof. lineage: '' date: 2002 date_type: published datestamp: 2004-12-28 department: ~ dir: disk0/00/00/40/05 edit_lock_since: ~ edit_lock_until: ~ edit_lock_user: ~ editors_id: [] editors_name: - family: Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk given: B. honourific: Prof. lineage: '' - family: Turewicz given: K. honourific: Prof. lineage: '' eprint_status: archive eprintid: 4005 fileinfo: /style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png;/4005/1/CognitiveLinguistics.pdf full_text_status: public importid: ~ institution: ~ isbn: ~ ispublished: pub issn: ~ item_issues_comment: [] item_issues_count: 0 item_issues_description: [] item_issues_id: [] item_issues_reported_by: [] item_issues_resolved_by: [] item_issues_status: [] item_issues_timestamp: [] item_issues_type: [] keywords: 'Cognition, language, computational metaphor, grammar and cognitive processing, semantics, pragmatics' lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:55:47 latitude: ~ longitude: ~ metadata_visibility: show note: ~ number: ~ pagerange: 41-55 pubdom: FALSE publication: Cognitive Linguistics Today publisher: 'Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang' refereed: TRUE referencetext: | Albertazzi, L. 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