"4061","An Ontogenetic Model of Perceptual Organization for a developmental Robot","This paper presents an ontogenetic model of self-organization for robotic intermediary vision. Two mechanisms are under concern. First, the development of low-level local feature detectors that perform a piecewise categorization of the sensory signal. Second, the hierarchical grouping of these local features in a holistic perception. While the grouping mechanism is expressed as a classical agglomerative clustering, underlying similarity measures are not pre-given but developed from the signal statistics.","http://cogprints.org/4061/","Driancourt, Remi","Berthouze, Luc and Kozima, Hideki and Prince, Christopher G. and Sandini, Giulio and Stojanov, Georgi and Metta, Giorgio and Balkenius, Christian"," Driancourt, Remi (2004) An Ontogenetic Model of Perceptual Organization for a developmental Robot. [Conference Paper] ","","2004"