creators_name: MP, Girish creators_name: Gupta, Mohit Dayal creators_name: Mukhopadhyay, Saibal creators_name: Yusuf, Jamal creators_name: TN, Sunil Roy creators_name: Trehan, Vijay editors_name: Singh, Balbir editors_name: Lokhandwala, Yash editors_name: Francis, Johnson editors_name: Gupta, Anup type: journalp datestamp: 2005-04-14 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:55:53 metadata_visibility: show title: U wave: an Important Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Diagnostic Marker ispublished: pub subjects: ipej full_text_status: public keywords: Electrocardiogram; U wave abstract: Study of U waves exemplifies important clinical role of noninvasive electrocardiography in modern cardiology. Present article highlights significance of U waves with a clinical case and also summarizes in brief the history of the same. date: 2005-01 date_type: published publication: Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal volume: 5 number: 1 publisher: Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Group pagerange: 63-65 refereed: TRUE referencetext: 1. Einthoven W. Die galvanometrische registrierung des menschlichen Electrokardiogram. Pfluger’s Arch 1903;99:472-480. 2. Bernardo DD, Murray A. Origin on the electrocardiogram of U-waves and abnormal U-wave inversion. Cardiovasc Res 2002;53:202-208. 3. Fisch C. The clinical electrocardiogram: sensitivity and specificity. ACC Curr J Rev 1997;6:71-5. 4. Gerson MC, McHenry PL. Resting U-wave inversion as a marker of stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery. Am J Med 1980;69:545-50. 5. Tamura A, Watanabe T, Nagase K, Mikuriya Y, Nasu M. Significance of negative U waves in the precordial leads during anterior wall myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:897-900. 6. Miwa K, Nakagawa K, Hirai T, Inoue H. Exercise-induced U-wave alterations as a marker of well-developed and well-functioning collateral vessels in patients with effort angina. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;35:757-63. citation: MP, Girish and Gupta, Mohit Dayal and Mukhopadhyay, Saibal and Yusuf, Jamal and TN, Sunil Roy and Trehan, Vijay (2005) U wave: an Important Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Diagnostic Marker. [Journal (Paginated)] document_url: