"4212","Policy into practice: an experience of Higher Education Link in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry","Aim: The main aim of the Child and Adolescent Overseas Working Party has been to support the development of services in low-income countries through enhancing their training capacity. This is congruent with the British Council’s policy of Higher Education. Link: The paper shares an experience of translating such a policy into practice. Method: The experience of implementing a British Council Higher Education Link in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry between the two Universities in Varanasi and Leicester is shared. Implication: In spite of various difficulties, all parties concerned learnt some valuable lessons and found it to be a worthwhile venture","http://cogprints.org/4212/","Dwivedi, Kedar Nath and Dogra, Nisha and Sharma, Indira and Bretherton, Karen and Frake, Clay","Sharma, I and Sagar, Rajesh and Srivastava, Mona and Johnson, Beena"," Dwivedi, Kedar Nath and Dogra, Nisha and Sharma, Indira and Bretherton, Karen and Frake, Clay (2005) Policy into practice: an experience of Higher Education Link in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. [Journal (Paginated)] ","","2005-01"