--- abstract: |- This dissertation’s goal is to construct a detailed map of the principal branches of cognitive science and their methodological and epistemological contributions to the study music composition. We are concerned, firstly, with the contributions to the compositional techniques, and secondly, with their perception. The first chapter deals with the cognitivist paradigm by means of artificial intelligence. In the second chapter we relate the artificial intelligence with the music composition, investigating the cognitvist models of composition by the analysis of automatic compositional systems. The third chapter brings the artificial neural networks to the scene, within the so-called connectionist paradigm. In our fourth chapter we established the relation between the connectionism and music composition. In this sense, we describe implementations that model and/or simulate aspects of perception and composition. The fifth chapter leaves the computational perspective in the study of cognition and present alternative proposals in this sense, related to the music composition and musicology, as the ecological approach to auditory perception and the theories of emergentism applied to music. altloc: [] chapter: ~ commentary: ~ commref: ~ confdates: ~ conference: ~ confloc: ~ contact_email: ~ creators_id: [] creators_name: - family: Oliveira given: Luis F honourific: '' lineage: '' date: 2003-11 date_type: published datestamp: 2005-08-20 department: Philosophy Department dir: disk0/00/00/45/06 edit_lock_since: ~ edit_lock_until: ~ edit_lock_user: ~ editors_id: [] editors_name: [] eprint_status: archive eprintid: 4506 fileinfo: /style/images/fileicons/application_pdf.png;/4506/2/Oliveira2003.zip full_text_status: public importid: ~ institution: UNESP isbn: ~ ispublished: unpub issn: ~ item_issues_comment: [] item_issues_count: 0 item_issues_description: [] item_issues_id: [] item_issues_reported_by: [] item_issues_resolved_by: [] item_issues_status: [] item_issues_timestamp: [] item_issues_type: [] keywords: 'Music Composition, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Netwoks, Dynamic Cognitive Science.' lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:56:09 latitude: ~ longitude: ~ metadata_visibility: show note: Oriented by Dr. Edson Sekeff Zampronha. number: ~ pagerange: ~ pubdom: TRUE publication: ~ publisher: ~ refereed: TRUE referencetext: |- AMES, Charles (1981-1990). 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