creators_name: Clancey, William J. editors_name: Feltovich, P. editors_name: Hoffman, R. editors_name: Ford, K. type: bookchapter datestamp: 1998-06-24 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:53:59 metadata_visibility: show title: The conceptual nature of knowledge, situations, and activity. ispublished: pub subjects: bio-etho subjects: comp-sci-art-intel full_text_status: public keywords: situated cognition, social construction of knowledge, expert systems, socio-technical systems, task analysis, knowledge level, activity theory, cognitive modeling abstract: Situated action can be viewed as a psychological theory about the dynamic relation of conceiving and acting; and as a social theory about the nature of activity as a social choreography. Conventional views of interactivity reduce concepts to words, situations to data, and activities to descriptions of disembodied tasks. The difference between tasks and activities suggests new ways for using computers to facilitate work and learning. date: 1997 date_type: published publication: Human and Machine Expertise in Context publisher: AAAI Press, CA pagerange: 247-291 refereed: FALSE citation: Clancey, William J. (1997) The conceptual nature of knowledge, situations, and activity. [Book Chapter] document_url: