creators_name: Weidemann, Christoph T. creators_name: Huber, David E. creators_name: Shiffrin, Richard M. creators_id: weidemann creators_id: creators_id: type: journalp datestamp: 2006-03-16 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:56:21 metadata_visibility: show title: Confusion and Compensation in Visual Perception: Effects of Spatiotemporal Proximity and Selective Attention ispublished: pub subjects: cog-psy subjects: percep-cog-psy full_text_status: public keywords: perception, short-term priming, priming, attention, selective attention, Bayesian model abstract: The authors investigated spatial, temporal, and attentional manipulations in a short-term repetition priming paradigm. Brief primes produced a strong preference to choose the primed alternative, whereas long primes had the opposite effect. However, a 2nd brief presentation of a long prime produced a preference for the primed word despite the long total prime duration. 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