creators_name: riley, john a. type: preprint datestamp: 2006-04-01 lastmod: 2011-03-11 08:56:23 metadata_visibility: show title: Reference_ and_Definiteness,Revised subjects: ling-sem subjects: cog-psy subjects: ling-prag full_text_status: public keywords: identifiability, spcificity, reference, definiteness note: This revision includes the footnotes to the original. abstract: If D denotes a discourse, and p an expression in an utterance u of D, the action, D(p), of D on p, is the set of mental representations of the interpretations of p in D, and corresponds to the discourse 'meaning' of p in D. The correspondence p-->D(p) is called the reference of the speaker. The domain, dom(p), is defined, and it is shown that the set i(D(p)) of underlying entities of D(p) is contained in or equal to dom(p). A reference is inclusive if i(D(p)) = dom(p); exclusive otherwise. If dom(p) (resp. i(D(p))) consists of a single entity, the reference is said to be unique (resp unambiguous). Definite reference is defined as unambiguous and inclusive. It is shown that definite reference is unique in the classical sense, and it is conjectured that a generalization of the notion of 'familiarity' holds. A number of putative counterexamples to the classical definition are shown to satisfy the more general definition. Other application is made to specificity, predicate nominals, and parameterized nominals. date: 2006-03 date_type: published refereed: TRUE referencetext: REFERENCES Abbott, Barbara. (2003)(Paper read at the annual LSA meeting Atlanta, 1/5/03). The difference between definite and indefinite descriptions. _____________. (2001a). Definiteness and Identification in English. In Németh T. Enikö, ed., Pragmatics in 2000: Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference, vol. 2. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association, pp 1-15. _____________. (2001b). Definiteness and Indefiniteness. To appear in Laurence R. 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