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"Combat and Warfare in the Early Paleolithic and Medically Unexplained Musculo-Facial Pain in the 21st Century War Veterns and Active-Duty Military Personnel"^^ .
"In a series of recent articles, we \nsuggest that family dentists, military \ndentists and psychiatrists with expertise \nin posttraumatic stress disorder (especially in the Veterans Health Administration) are likely to see an increased \nnumber of patients with symptomatic \njaw-clenching and early stages of tooth-\ngrinding (Bracha et al., 2005). Returning \nwarfighters and other returnees from \nmilitary deployment may be especially \nat risk for high rates of clenching-\ninduced masticatory muscle disorders \nat early stages of incisor grinding. The \nliterature we have recently reviewed \nstrongly supports the conclusion that \n\nclenching and grinding may primarily \nbe a manifestation of experiencing \nextreme fear or severe chronic distress \n(respectively). We have recently \nreviewed the clinical and paleoanthropological literature and have noted that \nancestral warfare and ancestral combat, \nin the early Paleolithic Environment of \nEvolutionary Adaptedness (EEA) may \nbe a neglected factor explaining the \nconservation of the archaic trait of \nbite-muscle strengthening. We have \nhypothesized that among ancestral \nwarriors, jaw clenching may have \nrapidly strengthened the two primary \nmuscles involved in biting, the masseter \nmuscles and the much larger temporalis muscles. The strengthening of \nthese muscles may have served the \npurpose of enabling a stronger, deeper, \nand therefore more lethal, defensive \nbite for early Paleolithic humans. The \nneuroevolutionary perspective presented here may be novel to many dentists. However, it may be useful in \npatient education and in preventing \nprogression from jaw-clenching to \nchronic facial pain. "^^ .
"2005-12" .
"36" .
"6" .
"Hawaii Dental Journal"^^ .
"Stefan"^^ .
"Bracha"^^ .
"Stefan Bracha"^^ .
"David M."^^ .
"Bernstein"^^ .
"David M. Bernstein"^^ .
"Donald A."^^ .
"Person"^^ .
"Donald A. Person"^^ .
"Nicole K."^^ .
"Masukawa"^^ .
"Nicole K. Masukawa"^^ .
"Norman A."^^ .
"Flaxman"^^ .
"Norman A. Flaxman"^^ .
"Combat and Warfare in the Early Paleolithic and Medically Unexplained Musculo-Facial Pain in the 21st Century War Veterns and Active-Duty Military Personnel (PDF)"^^ .
"2005_H.D.J_Combat_&_Unexplained_Musculofacial_Pain.pdf"^^ .
"Combat and Warfare in the Early Paleolithic and Medically Unexplained Musculo-Facial Pain in the 21st Century War Veterns and Active-Duty Military Personnel (Image (PNG))"^^ .
"preview.png"^^ .
"Combat and Warfare in the Early Paleolithic and Medically Unexplained Musculo-Facial Pain in the 21st Century War Veterns and Active-Duty Military Personnel (Indexer Terms)"^^ .
"indexcodes.txt"^^ .
"HTML Summary of #5033 \n\nCombat and Warfare in the Early Paleolithic and Medically Unexplained Musculo-Facial Pain in the 21st Century War Veterns and Active-Duty Military Personnel\n\n" .
"text/html" .