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%A Hokky Situngkir %T Regimes in Babel are Confirmed: Report on Findings in Several Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts %X The paper introduces the presence of three statistical regimes in the Zipfian analysis of texts in quantitative linguistics: the Mandelbrot, original Zipf, and Cancho- Sol?-Montemurro regimes. The work is carried out over nine different languages of the same intention semantically: the bible from different languages in Indonesian ethnic and national language. As always, the same analysis is also brought in English version of the Bible for reference. The existence of the three regimes are confirmed while in advance the length of the texts are also becomes an important issue. We outline some further works regarding the quantitative analysis for parameterization used to analyze the three regimes and the task to have broad explanation, especially the microstructure of the language in human decision or linguistic effort ? emerging the robustness of them. %D 2007 %K quantitative linguistics, Zipfian analysis, macro-properties of texts. %I Bandung Fe Institute %L cogprints5482